





r. at length ,eventually ,in conclusion ,in the end


finally['fainəli]adv. 最後;終於;決定性地


finally 最後;最終時刻;終於;最後地;T Finally 慢搖滾;搖滾;Finally Fantasy 最終幻想;Finally together 最後終於相聚;Finally Truffaut 再見楚浮;


1.Finally the man jumped down to safety. 最終,那個人跳到了安全地帶。

2.Finally, the trend of cash flow analysis. 最後是現金流量表趨勢分析。

3.Finally, rename the segment if you wish and then save it. 最後,重新命名部分如果你希望,然後將它保存。


We have finally concluded the transaction through negotiation. - 經過談判,我們終於達成了一筆交易。

I'm glad you feel you've finally put it all together. - 我很高興你終於就緒了。

Well, finally a publisher will see my work. - 好了, 終於有一個出版商要看我的作品了。

I've heard a lot about you, sir. Now I finally have the chance to meet you in person. - 先生,久仰大名,現在終於讓我親自見到你了。

The office network is running again, we can finally get some work done. - 辦公室的網絡又聯上了,我們終於可以做些事情了。

The other day he finally popped the question. - 第二天他終於開口求婚了。

I finally got around to the job again. - 我終於能再做那份工作了。

After studying an hour, I finally got the hang of the lesson. - 我學習了一個小時,終於理解了這一課的要點。

I am very happy that you have finally established a branch in Guangzhou. - 我非常高興你們最終把分支機構建在廣州。

It was eleven o'clock when he finally showed up. - 他最後露面時,已經11點鐘了。

She finally began to get angry when Paul didn't arrive. - 當保羅沒有到達時,她終於開始生氣了。

We finally made it. - 我們終於做到了!

The ancient Roman civilization was finally destroyed by the nomadic tribles. - 古羅馬終於被遊牧民族滅亡了。

Aren't you relieved that your puppy was finally found? - 你的小狗終於找回來了,你應該安心了吧?

They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. - 但最後找到的是一枚幾乎一錢不值的小金幣。

Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. - 她雖然猶豫了片刻,但終於還是走進了商店,要求把陳列在櫥窗裡的一件衣服拿給她看。

She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for. - 她開心地迫使那位售貨員把櫥窗裡幾乎所有的東西都拿了出來,最後才買下了她最先要看的那一件。

It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent. - 它於1994年3月7日正式開通,將英國與歐洲大陸連到了一起。

It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. - 直到1790年他們第3次對壘,門多薩才終於擊敗漢弗萊斯,成了全英拳擊冠軍。

will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, - 但最終會急轉直下,我們也無法再活下去了。

It's nice to finally meet you. - 很高興終於與你見面了。

When the ship finally arrived in a port, the wooden cover was opened wide and Kunta could see in daylight for the first time across the part of the ship where he had been chained. - 當船終於到達一個港口時,木蓋打開了,孔塔這才第一次在日光下掃視了他被拴在那兒的那一部分船艙。

Because of his actions, all Hindus were finally free to draw water from the same village well, to go to the same temple to pray and even marry each other. - 由於他的行動,所有的印度人均可自由地從同一個村井打水,去相同的寺廟做祈禱,甚至還可相互通婚。


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