





soft-drink soft-drink 軟飲料;soft accents 軟強調 柔和的強調動作 溫和的強調動作;軟強調、柔和的強調動作;abnormally soft consistency 釋義:異常柔軟度;Soft Dots 空心園點.;Soft Dollars 軟美元;非金錢利益;


1.I sound out to get involved thus a complex environment:Soft the floor that sink, soft the mire wall that sink, soft the ages that sink. 我試探著介入這樣一個錯綜複雜的環境:軟陷的地板,軟陷的泥牆,軟陷的時代。

2.mixes sexual soft chancre, soft chancre affected syphilis helicoid at the same time, the symptom that is soft chancre rises first, appear gradually via 3 weeks or so the symptom of hard chancre. 混合性軟下疳,軟下疳同時感染了梅毒螺旋體,初起為軟下疳的症狀,經3周左右漸出現硬下疳的症狀。

3.The mammary gland soft X photography by the molybdenum and so on took X ray tube the anode target surface, its launch beam is soft beam, is suitable to the soft tissue photography. 乳腺軟X線攝影以鉬等作為X射線管的陽極靶面,其發射的射線屬軟射線,適宜於軟組織攝影。

4.The quality condition of soft water of blast furnace cooling system in China was analysed. The corrosion test of soft water shows that the sampled soft water has medium corrosive power. 取樣分析了我國高爐冷卻系統軟水的質量現狀,通過水質腐蝕性能測試得出,取樣水質均為中等腐蝕型。

5.A Soft-Input Soft-Out (SISO) per-tone equalizer exchanges soft information with SISO channel decoder through iterative process. 在該算法中,軟輸入軟輸出(SISO)的子載波均衡器與軟輸入軟輸出(SISO)解碼器通過迭代進行軟信息交換。


These days the police are just too soft on drug peddlers. - 現在警察對於毒販過於手軟。

I'm in the mood for soft serve ice cream. - 我想吃現裝雪糕。

Do you like the soft touch of snowflakes on your face? - 你喜歡柔軟的雪花觸到臉上時的感覺嗎?

The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch. - 春天的新芽有柔軟的觸感。

A clear conscience is a soft pillow. - 問心無愧,高枕無憂。

A good conscience is a soft pillow. - 白日不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚。


therapeutic manipulation for injuried soft tissue - 以筋手法

n. soft vacuum electron beam welding machine - 低真空電子束焊接機

soft pulse - 儒脈

flexible catheter; nelatons catheter; soft catheter - 內拉通氏導管

soft elastic capsules; softelasticcapsules - 彈性軟膠囊

aoft fire; gentle breathing in qigong; soft fire - 文火

soft tissue - 鬆軟組織

soft murmur - 柔和雜音

soft and thythmic stimulation - 柔和的節律性刺激

n. soft blow - 柔性吹煉

pulsus mollis; soft pulse - 柔脈

soft organ - 柔軟器官

soft pulse feels floating and thready - 濡脈浮中並見細象

restore and treat njured soft tissues; restoring and treating injured soft tissues - 理筋

rigidity of soft tissues - 筋強

herba blumeae mollis; soft blumea - 紅頭草

fine fur; soft fur; vellus hair - 細毛

injury of the soft tissue of elbow - 肘部傷筋

soft tissue wound of chest wall - 胸壁軟組織創傷

defect of soft tissue of chest wall - 胸壁軟組織缺損

injury of carpal soft tissue - 腕部傷筋

soft extract - 膏滋

green soap; medical charcoal; medicalcharcoal; sapo mollis medicinalis; soft soap - 藥用炭

soft a-rays - 軟A-線

soft b-emitter - 軟B-發射體

soft x-ray - 軟X-射線

soft x-ray; softx ray; softxray - 軟X射線

soft x-ray; softx ray; softxray - 軟x射線

soft beta radiation - 軟β輻射

chancroid; soft chancre - 軟下疳

soft ware; software - 軟件

soft stool - 軟便

phacomalacia; soft cataract - 軟內障

n. soft ground - 軟地

nelatons catheter; soft catheter - 軟導管

soft ray - 軟射線

soft baseplate wax - 軟底板蠟

n. soft mode phase transition - 軟式相變

n. soft mode phase transition - 軟式相轉移

soft elastic capsules; softelasticcapsules - 軟彈性膠囊

papilloma molle; soft papilloma - 軟性乳頭狀瘤

aspiration of soft cataract - 軟性內障吸出術

n. soft arc - 軟性電弧

n. soft blow - 軟性碰撞

fibroma molle; soft fibroma - 軟性纖維瘤

soft shadow - 軟性陰影

n. soft spot - 軟斑

soft water - 軟水

soft laser - 軟激光

soft odontoma - 軟牙瘤


泡狀軟部肉瘤,蜂窩性軟部肉瘤 - alveolar soft part sarcoma

n.軟性內障吸出術 - aspiration of soft cataract

n.軟顎裂 - cleft of soft palate

n.胸壁軟組織缺損 - defect of soft tissue of chest wall

n.軟組織鉅細胞瘤 - giant cell tumor of soft tissue

n.腕部傷筋 - injury of carpal soft tissue

n.顏面軟組織損傷 - injury of facial soft tissue

n.肘部傷筋 - injury of the soft tissue of elbow

軟顎麻痺 - paralysis of soft palate

n.軟組織殘留異物 - residual foreign body in soft tissue

n.理筋 - restore and treat njured soft tissues

n.理筋 - restoring and treating injured soft tissues

軟產道強直 - rigidity of soft birth canal

n.筋強 - rigidity of soft tissues

n.以筋手法 - therapeutic manipulation for injuried soft tissue

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