submillimetern. 亞毫米
submillimeter 亞毫米;亞毫米的;亞次毫米;submillimeter photometry 亞毫米波測光;submillimeter observatory 亞毫米波天文台;submillimeter wave 亞毫米波;亞微米波;次毫公尺波;submillimeter wavelengt 亞毫米波長;
1.We have made a systematic study in optically pumped submillimeter wave laser. 該作者曾對光泵亞毫米波激光作過系統深入地的研究。
2.Joint observations by Chandra and the SCUBA instrument, which observes at submillimeter wavelengths between the far-infrared and radio, have failed to note much overlap. 錢卓和SCUBA儀器(觀測遠紅外和無線電波之間的次毫米波長)的聯合觀測,並未發現太多的重疊。
3.There are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brainbone surgery with submillimeter accuracy——far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands. 現在已有機器人系統進行精確到毫米以下的腦部和骨骼手術——這要比極具技巧的醫生單單用手精確得多。