annotator['ænəuteitə]n. 註解者
annotator 註解者;註釋者;
1.Xu Wei is a rare annotator named Wu Xiang Lei since the Song Dynasty, who set forth a new viewpoint about the inside logical order in the Can Tong Qi. 徐渭是宋代以來較為鮮見的稱《五相類》而非《三相類》的注家,對《參同契》的內在邏輯順序提出了新的見解。
2.Unwittingly he does an uncanny impression of Charles Kinbote, the mad annotator whose scholarly notes take over the narrative poem in Nabokov's "Pale Fire" like a parasite consuming its host. 他無意間離奇倣傚納博可夫小說《幽冥的火》中的瘋狂註解者查爾斯
3.However, this mode unnecessarily includes "objective" annotation of the original meaning of classics, and the annotation by which the annotator desires to establish his own philosophic system. 而這一方式必然包含著「客觀」地詮釋經典的「原意」和建立詮釋者自身的哲學體系這對矛盾。