annotators['ænəuteitə]n. 註解者
annotators 註解者;
1.The different understanding and analysis on the part of annotators of the Chinese version give an expression to some characteristics of the Sinicization of Islamic philosophy. 漢文詮釋者時該思想的不同理解與分析,體現出伊斯蘭教哲學中國化的一些特點。
2.In Chairman Mao's poem The PLA Men Conquering Nanjing, the word "tottering foe" is always unanimously interpreted by the annotators as those in an impasse, referring to Jiang Jieshi's group. 文題為毛澤東《七律
3.In the novel itself, the large number of religious terms and poems are the surface elements that led to the annotators' religious insights and comments, and the Chinese way of thinking is root. 《西遊記》小說回目和文本中大量的宗教術語和詩詞,是評點者以宗教眼光看待和評點《西遊記》的最表層化的因素;中國文人以文證道的思維模式,是更為深入的內在原因;