stalagmites['stæləɡmait, stə'læɡmait]n. 石筍;石筍狀
Stalagmites 石筍;High-Resolution Dating of Stalagmites and Reconstruction of Paleo-Environments 王兆榮 , 袁道先 , 林玉石 , 張美良 , 周傑 , 劉衛國;
1.Like trees, stalagmites are often composed of concentric layers that represent annual growth periods. 同樹木一樣,石筍通常也有能顯示其年生長週期的年輪。
2.The study of stalagmites in the South China indicates that they are made of calcite, aragonite or the combination of calcite and aragonite. 中國南方大量石筍剖面研究表明,石筍礦物組成有方解石、文石、方解石-文石三種類型。
3.We have around everywhere steep rocks of different odd stone cliffs, plains out of the old quarry area, stone pillars, Shek Pik, stalagmites, criss-crossing, Weiran forest. 我們的周圍,到處是陡峭嶙峋的奇崖異石,平地拔起的石崖、石柱,石壁、石筍,縱橫交錯,蔚然成林。
After switching on powerful arc lights, they saw great stalagmites -- some of them over forty feet high -- rising up like tree-trunks to meet the stalactites suspended from the roof. - 他們打開強力弧光燈,看見一株株巨大的石筍,有的高達40英尺,像樹幹似地向上長著,與洞頂懸掛下來的鐘乳石相接。