tloabbr. 全損險(Total Loss Only)
TLO 技術轉移機構;技術移轉機關;技術轉讓機構;辦公室;feeding branch tlo radiator 散熱器供熱支管;insurance against TLO 全損保險;保全損險;Exportreform TLO AB 歐洲-瑞典;insurance against total loss only TLO 全損險;
1.As our goods are bulk cargoes of large quantities, you are requested to cover TLO on them. 由於本公司的貨物是數量很大的大宗貨物,因此要求貴公司將它們承保全損險。
2.We have shipped a lot of goods , We think TLO is the best policy for this shipment. Trust us. 我們出過很多貨,我們覺得全損險對這批貨是最合適的。請相信我們。
3.Why TLO?That only helps if the goods are destroyed, or damaged so badly that they can't be uses. 為什麼要保全損險呢?這種險只有在貨物全毀或損壞到不能再用時,才有用啊!