TLPabbr. 月球瞬變現象(Transient Lunar Phenomena)
TLP 張力腿平台;線程級並行;傳輸線脈衝;傳輸線路脈衝;TLP telemeter 遙測裝置;TLP Total loss only 僅保全損;Toshiba TLP-X100 東芝TLP-X100;TOSHIBA TLP-S8 東芝 TLP-S8;
1.The general size planning is the fundamental part in a TLP design. 平台的總體尺度規劃是張力腿平台設計中最基礎的工作。
2.In our country TLP is just at the primary stage aiming mainly at the welding process for some dissimilar and difficult metals. 國內對瞬時液相擴散焊技術的研究尚處於起步階段,主要是針對一些異種難焊金屬的焊接工藝;
3.On the basis of achievement made on TLP diffusion welding techniques for oil drillpipe welding, a medium-frequency TLP diffusion welder for drillpipe welding is developed. 在石油鑽桿瞬時液相擴散焊接技術取得成果的基礎上,研製了鑽桿中頻瞬時液相擴散焊機。