





n. vas ,watercraft


vessel['vesəl]n. 船,艦;脈管,血管;容器,器皿


Vessel 船舶;飛機;飛船;船舶,船方;blood vessel 血管;脈管;血管 血管 血管;Capsize vessel 超寬型船;大型散貨船;超寬型舟;超寬;exporting vessel 出口船隻;light vessel 燈船;燈船(有船體的大型燈浮標;燈標船;燈標船,燈船,航標燈船;


1.He burst a blood vessel. 他的一條血管破裂了。

2.Is why seeing blood vessel from skin surface cyan? 為什麼從皮膚表面看血管是青色的?

3.The simplest calorimeter is a metal vessel used with a thermometer. 最簡單的量熱計是一個帶溫度計的金屬容器。


Where the water is shallow, no vessel will ride. - 水淺無船行。

Which may keep company with the vessel for an hour without visible or more than occasional movement of wing. - 它們隨船飛行一小時也難得見其扇動一下翅膀。

His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, - 他的解決辦法是把船體提離水面,讓船在一個氣墊上行駛,


artificial blood vessel; blood vessel prosthesis - 人造血管

n. pressure vessel quality steel - 壓力容器質量鋼

n. pressure vessel steel - 壓力容器鋼

n. nuclear reactor pressure vessel material - 原子反應堆壓力容器材料

vessel of basilar membrane - 基底膜管

small vessel forceps - 小血管鑷

artificial blood vessel with valve - 帶瓣膜人造血管

toothed hemostatic forceps; toothed vessel forceps - 有齒血管鉗

n. nuclear reactor pressure vessel material - 核反應堆壓力容器材料

deep blood vessel magnetic therapy unit - 深部血管磁療機

pelvic blood vessel injury - 盆部血管傷

vessel wall - 管壁

fibriform vessel member - 纖維狀導管份子

aberrant vessel of kidney - 腎迷走血管

cord vessel abnormality; vascular abnormality of umbilical cord - 臍帶血管異常

blood vessel of brain - 腦血管

injury of great vessel of abdominal cavity - 腹腔內大血管傷

vessel clip applying forceps - 血管夾用鑷

vessel cannula - 血管套管

vessel groove - 血管溝

blood vessel suture instrument - 血管縫合器

blood vessel suture needle - 血管縫合針

vessel pedicle - 血管蒂

blood vessel hook; vascular hook - 血管鉤

blood vessel forceps; hemostatic forceps - 血管鉗

blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate; the blood vessel - 血脈

ultrasonic blood vessel detector - 超聲血管檢測儀

ultrasonic blood vessel detection method - 超聲血管檢測法

vessel of the tympaniclip - 鼓室唇管


異位血管 - aberrant vessel

n.腎迷走血管 - aberrant vessel of kidney

n.血管異常 - abnormality of blood vessel

入鰓血管 - afferent branchial vessel

n.輸入淋巴管 - afferent lymphatic vessel

n.輸入管 - afferent vessel

n.環紋導管,環狀血管 - annular vessel

n.血管吻合術 - anastomosis of blood vessel

n.吻合管 - anastomotic vessel

n.腎血管異常 - anomaly of renal vessel

n.人造血管 - artificial blood vessel

n.帶瓣膜人造血管 - artificial blood vessel with valve

非典型的血管,不標準的血管 - atypical vessel

n.血管基底膜 - basement membrane of blood vessel

采血管 - blood-collecting vessel

n.脈管 - blood vessel

n.血管鉗 - blood vessel forceps

n.血管鉤 - blood vessel hook

n.血脈 - blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate

血管鑄型制適法 - blood vessel molding manufacture method

n.腦血管 - blood vessel of brain

n.人造血管 - blood vessel prosthesis

n.血管縫合器 - blood vessel suture instrument

n.血管縫合針 - blood vessel suture needle

n.具緣紋孔導管 - bordered pit vessel

腦血管 - brain blood vessel

n.容量血管 - capacitance vessel

n.血管容積 - capacity of blood vessel

n.容量血管 - capacity vessel

毛細管,毛細血管 - capillary vessel

腦血管 - cerebral blood vessel

乳糜管 - chyliferous vessel

閉合性血管系統 - closed blood vessel system

n.側副管 - collateral vessel

n.連通器,連五硫酸鉀 - communicating vessel

n.電導滴定缸 - conductometric titration vessel

n.先天性視網膜血管異常 - congneital banormality of retinal vessel

n.冠狀血管 - coronary vessel

n.腦血管造影劑 - contrast agents of cerebral vessel

n.臍帶血管異常 - cord vessel abnormality

n.滌綸人造血管 - dacron-made artificial blood vessel

煎劑器皿,煎劑器 - decoction vessel

n.深部血管磁療機 - deep blood vessel magnetic therapy unit

深部淋巴管 - deep lymphatic vessel

n.背血管 - dorsal blood vessel

背管,背脈管 - dorsal vessel

n.血管功能障礙 - dysfunction of blood vessel

輸出管 - efferent vessel

n.電極室 - electrode vessel

n.腎血管栓塞 - embolism of renal vessel


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