





n. vas ,watercraft


vesselsn. 血管(vessel的複數);船舶;容器


vessels 容器;酒器;船隻;船舶;communicating vessels 連通器;連通管;Pressure vessels 壓力容器;二壓力容器。;umbilical vessels 臍血管;nonferrous vessels 非鐵金屬容器;


1.A small cluster or mass of blood vessels or nerve fibers. 小球一小簇或團''。'毛細血管'。''組織或神經纖維。

2.Muslim vessels could still collect the produce of Burma and Bengal. 穆斯林的船隻仍然能夠採集緬甸、孟加拉的產品。

3.Oral bacteria could also harm blood vessels or cause blood clots by releasing toxins that resemble proteins found in artery walls or the bloodstream. 口腔內的細菌也能夠通過釋放與動脈壁或血流中發現的蛋白相似的毒素而危及血管或引起血凝塊。


Empty vessels make the greatest sound. - 空桶響聲大。

sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia. - 「卡蒂薩克」號之類的帆船被用來從中國運回茶葉,從澳大利亞運回羊毛。


war injury of great vessels of upper limb - 上肢大血管戰傷

war injury of great vessels of lower limb - 下肢大血管戰傷

phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities - 下肢深血管靜脈炎

vasa auris internae; vessels of internal ear - 內耳血管

blood vessels of endometrium - 子宮內膜血管

injury of the blood vessels of the lng by heat - 熱傷肺絡

nerve and vessels connecting with the eyeball - 眼系

convergence of vessels in the lung; convergence ofvessels in the lung - 肺朝百脈

a point where vessels assemble; a point where vessels assemble--taiyuan point - 脈會

rheumatism with the blood vessels involved - 脈痺

blood vessels of umbilical cord; cord vessels - 臍帶血管

sublingual vessels and ligament - 舌系

blood vessels of retina - 視網膜血管

blood vessels of vagina - 陰道血管


n.脈會 - a point where vessels assemble

n.脈會 - a point where vessels assemble--taiyuan point

n.迷走血管 - aberrant vessels

n.視崗膜血管異常 - anomaly of the retinal vessels

n.視網膜血管 - blood vessels of retina

n.臍帶血管 - blood vessels of umbilical cord

n.陰道血管 - blood vessels of vagina

n.血管的放射敏感性 - blood vessels

n.子宮內膜血管 - blood vessels of endometrium

n.脈 - channels and vessels

n.乳糜管 - chyliferous vessels

n.完全性大血管錯位 - complete transposition of great blood vessels

n.肺朝百脈 - convergence of vessels in the lung

n.臍帶血管 - cord vessels

n.糾正型大血管錯位 - corrected transposition of great vessels

n.虯脈縱橫 - crisscross of conjunctival vessels

n.肺絡損傷 - damage of pulmonary vessels

n.深淋巴管 - deep lymphatic vessels

n.腎迷走血管切斷術 - division of aberrant renal vessels

n.腎異位血管 - ectopic renal vessels

n.淋巴管絲蟲病 - filariasis of lymphatic vessels

n.大血管異物 - foreign body of great vessels

n.血管脆性 - fragility of blood vessels

n.痔血管 - hemorrhoidal vessels

n.損傷腸絡 - impair intestine vessels

n.淋巴管損傷,淋巴管吸收 - injury of lymphatic vessels

n.周圍血管創傷 - injury of peripheral vessels

n.熱傷肺絡 - injury of the blood vessels of the lng by heat

n.近骺血管 - juxta-epiphysial vessels

腸系膜血管 - mesenteric vessels

n.眼系 - nerve and vessels connecting with the eyeball

n.臍腸系膜血管 - omphalome senterical vessels

n.盆腔血管 - pelvic blood vessels

n.下肢深血管靜脈炎 - phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities

n.肺絡 - pulmonary vessels

n.脈痺 - rheumatism with the blood vessels involved

n.淋巴管破裂 - rupture of lymphatic vessels

n.直小血管 - straight vessels

n.舌系 - sublingual vessels and ligament

n.淺淋巴管 - superficial lymphatic vessels

n.脊髓血管梅毒 - syphilis of spinal vessels

n.血將溢於脈外 - The blood will extravasate from the vessels

n.虯蟠捲曲 - tortuosity of the blood vessels

n.大血管轉位 - transposition of great vessels

n.大血管移位 - transposition of the great vessels

n.下肢大血管戰傷 - war injury of great vessels of lower limb

n.上肢大血管戰傷 - war injury of great vessels of upper limb

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