





bridle hand left hand shield hand shield-hand 左手;bridle hand left hand shield hand shield-hand 左手;have on in hand on hand to hand to one's hand to the fore 在手頭;buggy hand barrow hand car hand-operated carriage hand-truck push-car wheel barrow 手推車;buggy hand barrow hand car hand-operated carriage hand-truck push-car wheel barrow 手推車;


1.second-hand laptop computers, Internet second-hand computers, second-hand computer recycling company, second-hand server recovery, recycling second-hand switch. 二手筆記本電腦,網吧二手電腦,公司二手電腦回收,二手服務器回收,二手交換機回收。

2.The intelligent hand shows better bio-imitability and adaptability than the conventional hand, it is a necessary trend of research development from EMG controlled hand to the intelligent hand. 由於智能假手比普通假手具有更好的仿生性和適應性,由肌電假手向智能肌電假手的研究發展也是假手發展的必然趨勢。

3.The love story: hand in hand, hand in it, it in hand, it in it. 愛的故事:手在手之中,手在它裡面,它在手裡面,它在它之中。

4.Take the right hand thermos bottle, thermos bottle handle should go hand side, the left hand with a small towel. 右手拿暖瓶,暖瓶提手歸向把手一邊,左手帶小毛巾。

5.From Square Plain Style, text hand, Running hand to Cursive Hand --the fourth to the seventh generation. 隸書,楷書,行書到草書--第四代至第七代漢文。


Would you please hand me your customs declaration form? - 請出示您的申報表給我?

Sure. Hand me the pen. - 當然。請把筆給我。

Can you hand me that ... please? - 你能給我遞過來……嗎?

Can you give me a hand with my homework? - 你能幫忙教我做家庭作業嗎?

I have to go out and hand out fliers. - 我要出去派傳單。

I'd like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. - 我希望你能把女兒許配給我。

I'll come and give you a hand tomorrow. - 我明天來幫你忙。

They live from hand to mouth. - 他們過著餬口的生活。

He's making money hand over fist. - 他財源滾滾。

The little boy held his mother's hand firmly when crossing the street. - 那小男孩過馬路時緊抓著母親的手。

Your right hand is swollen.Does it hurt? - 你的右手是腫的.它受傷了嗎?

His hand is swollen, Does it hurt? - 他的手腫起來了,疼不疼?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. - 雙鳥在林不如一鳥在手。

A clean hand wants no washing. - 身正不怕影子斜。

A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land. - 聰明腦袋勤勞手,走遍天下貴如金。

All is not at hand that helps. - 有用的東西並不都是垂手可得的。

An empty hand is no lure for a hawk. - 空手誘不來老鷹。

Be prepared to put one's hand in one's pocket. - 準備慷慨解囊。

Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. - 搬事弄非者,必是撒謊人。

The wise hand doth not all that the foolish mouth speaks. - 聰明人的手不做愚笨人所說的事。

He made up his mind to once again ask for her hand in marriage. - 他下決心再一次向他求婚。

Your hand feels cold. - 你的手摸起來很冷。。

The maximum weight allowance is 60 kilos per traveler, excluding hand luggage. - 每個旅客托運的行李最大重量限額是60公斤,手提行李除外。

Then he put his hand into pocket, and took out a phrasebook. - 然後他把手伸進了衣袋,掏出了一本常用語手冊。

The big minute hand did not move. - 那根巨大的分針不動了。

She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. - 第二天上午,她又來到這家商店,穿了一件裘皮大衣,一隻手拎著一隻手提包,另一隻手拿著一把長柄傘。

In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. - 在最後一幕中,獄卒手持一封信上場,然後將信交給獄中那位貴族。

and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages. - 因此開始階段需要有一位強有力的老手。

With the hand held high in the air, - 把手高高舉在空中握住繩子,

Now move the hand to and fro and around but not up and down. - 然後把手前後左右以及旋轉擺動,但不要上下擺動。

they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed. - 要想在需要的時候可隨手摘取充滿生機的果實,還需要勤勉地護理。

Insularity and self-containment, it is argued, go hand in hand. - 他們爭論說,心胸狹窄和自我封閉是並存的。

Yes, we have plenty on hand right now. - 可以,我們目前有不少現貨。

We don't have enough material on hand to take care of this. - 我們現在手邊的存量不夠你的訂單。

Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking. - 湯姆做飯時燙了手。

The words so full of meaning - flew from her hand to mine. - 這些詞--意思如此豐富--從她的手流到了我的手。

Putting my hand on her face, she spelled l-a-u-g-h. - 她將我的手在她的面部,就拼寫l-a-u-g-h。

Next Annie took me by the hand and taught me how to jump. - 接著,她又拉著我的手,教我如何跳。

She herself read them to me by spelling into my hand what was written in the book. - 她親自通過在我手上拼寫書中的內容,把課本對我讀出來。


femur wuli; femurwuli; hand wuli; handwuli - 五里

n. hand squeezer - 人力壓搾機

n. hand feeding - 人工給料

single finger cot with hand shield - 傘形單指套

n. down hand welding - 俯焊接

right hand side - 右手側

the pericardium channel of hand jueyin - 心主

hand schullerchrisian崑disease - 慢性特發性黃瘤病

hand injury; wound of the hand - 手傷

hand protector - 手保護器

articulations of hand; hand joints - 手關節

n. hand planer - 手刨床

n. hand shear - 手剪機

n. hand shear - 手動剪床

n. hand type buffing machine - 手動型拋光機

n. hand bender - 手動彎曲機

n. hand bender - 手動彎管機

n. hand type buffing machine - 手動拋光機

n. hand rammer - 手動搗錘

n. hand carrier - 手動搬運機

hand operation - 手動操作

n. hand whirler - 手動旋轉機

hand driven ballmill - 手動球磨機

n. hand whirler - 手動離心式濾氣機

n. hand carrier - 手動轉運工具

hand sampling - 手動進樣

n. hand squeezer - 手動造型機

hand injury - 手外傷

suture needle for hand tendon - 手外傷肌腱修復縫合計針

hand surgery instrument set - 手外科器械包

n. hand rammer - 手夯錘

n. hand sorting - 手工分類

n. hand packing - 手工包裝

n. hand feed swivel head - 手工喂料轉盤頭

n. hand bender - 手工彎曲機

n. hand picking - 手工撿拾

n. hand stowing - 手工烘乾

n. hand welding - 手工焊

hand spectroscope - 手持分光計

hand lamp type tongue depressor - 手持式照明壓舌器

hand ophthalmoscope - 手持檢眼鏡

hand gasoline blower - 手持汽油噴火管

hand cautery - 手持燒灼器

hand electric cranial drill set - 手持電動顱骨鑽

hand eletric drill - 手持電鑽

hand slit lamp - 手持裂隙燈

hand perimeter - 手持視野計

hand keatoscope - 手持角膜鏡

hand optometry apparatus - 手持試驗光計

hand optometer for near point distance - 手持近點視力計


血管內視鏡手技 - angioscope hand technique

猿樣手 - ape hand

n.指間關節固定術 - arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of hand

n.手關節 - articulations of hand

n.假手 - artificial hand

手指骨 - bones of digits of hand

n.手骨 - bones of hand

n.手背發毒 - carbuncle on the dorsum of the hand

n.手部瘢痕攣縮 - cicatricial contracture of hand

n.爪形手 - claw hand

裂手 - cleft hand

棒節手,畸形手 - club hand

n.手足皸裂 - cracked skin of hand and foot

n.死手症 - dead hand

n.手足厥逆 - deadly cold hand and foot

n.指關節脫位,指間關節脫位 - dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand

n.手背筋膜 - dorsal fascia of hand

n.手背靜脈網 - dorsal venous network of hand

n.赤白肉際 - dorso-ventral boundary of the hand

n.手背 - dorsum of hand

手下垂 - drop hand

n.伸肌支持帶 - extensor retinaculum of hand

n.手工灌注法 - filling by hand

n.扁平手 - flat hand

n.冷浸手 - immersion hand

n.指骨間關節,指關節 - interphalangeal articulations of hand

n.手內在肌麻痺 - intrinsic muscle paralysis of hand

n.等容握力試驗 - isometric hand grip test

手關節 - joint of hand

n.左邊的,左手的 - left hand

一腕雙手畸形,一脘雙手畸形 - mirror hand

猿樣手 - monkey hand

n.刺手 - needle-holding hand

助產士,助產手 - obstetrician's hand

n.助產士手 - obstetricians hand

指骨,手指骨 - phalanx of hand

n.脈衝式手持吸鐵器 - pulse hand magnet

n.手足破裂 - rhagades of hand and foot

n.右手 - right hand

n.右手側 - right hand side

n.手癬 - ringworm of the hand

n.傘形單指套 - single finger cot with hand shield

n.枯骨狀手 - skeleton hand

n.鏟狀手 - spade hand

n.手裂 - split hand

n.指間關節扭傷 - sprain of interphalangeal joint of hand

n.指關節扭傷 - sprain of phalangeal joint of hand

n.手硬 - stiffness of hand in children

n.手外傷肌腱修復縫合計針 - suture needle for hand tendon

丘腦手,丘腦托 - thalamic hand

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