hand-off['hændɔf]n. 傳球給隊友
hand-off 傳球給隊友;越區轉接;越區切換;手遞手傳球:;hand cut-off valve 手動截止閥;hand-off operation 非人工操作;hand-off automatic switch 免動手自動開關;Network Control Hand-Off NCHO 網絡控制切換;
1.Finally, we introduce the cooperation techniques of camera assignment and hand-off tracking by illustrations. 最後以簡單的範例說明攝影機合作之技術,包含指派追蹤與接管追蹤。
2.The main concentration of the compound guidance technique study is in two aspects: midcourse and terminal guidance law and guidance hand-off method. 復合制導的研究主要集中在中、末導引規律研究和交接班方法研究兩個方面。
3.Football To fake a hand-off, conceal the ball on the hip, and roll out in order to pass or especially to rush around the end. Used of a quarterback. 偽造一個脫手,隱藏球在臂部,然後滾出以便通過甚至達到終點。