hand-play 互毆;
1.You need to have good hand-eye coordination to play computer games. 玩電腦遊戲需要有好的手眼協調。
2.A: They are a professional wrestling training in anti-strike capability, a qualified wrestling Bichang Ren-resistant hand to play at least 10 times. 他們都受到了專業的摔角訓練,在抗打擊能力方面,一個合格的摔角手起碼要比常人耐打10倍。
3.With the game playing time increase the number of pop-up even more quickly, you need to have good hand-eye coordination can play to a higher barrier. 遊戲隨玩的時間遞增,數字的彈出就更迅速,你需要有良好的手眼協調才可玩到更高的關卡。