n. atonement ,expiation ,gratification
n. dissatisfaction
satisfaction[,sætis'fækʃən]n. 滿意,滿足;賠償;樂事;[宗]贖罪
satisfaction 滿意;滿足;清償;快樂;vicarious satisfaction 感應式滿足;satisfaction effect 滿足效應;demand satisfaction 要求賠償;要求決鬥;要求道歉;Stakeholder Satisfaction 項目干係人的滿意;
1.Let your satisfaction is our solemn commitment! 讓您滿意,是我們莊嚴的承諾!
2.Then , what is the degree of you life satisfaction at the present? 那麼。你對於你現在的生活狀態的滿意程度是多少?
3.The question is, does this increased complexity bring with it increased satisfaction? 問題是,這些日漸增加的複雜,是否帶來更多的滿足?
He gets more professional satisfaction from teaching. - 從事教育職業,他更感受到職業上的滿足。
After consulting my railway timetable, I noted with satisfaction that there was an express train to Westhaven. - 我查看了列車時刻表,滿意地瞭解到有一趟去威斯特海溫的快車。
I even went out at midnight with a torch and noted with satisfaction (and surprise) that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it. - 半夜,我還拿著電筒來到花園裡,滿意地(同時驚奇地)發現那些螞蟻還圍著膠帶團團轉。無能為力。
I think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists who are already using it. Then they can express their satisfaction with the product. - 我認為,聽聽使用過這種計算機的秘書和打字員的反映,倒是個好主意。他們可以發表對產品滿意的意見。