v. subjugate ,submitn. content ,discipline ,issue ,themea. capable ,dependent ,open
subject['sʌbdʒikt, -dʒe-, səb'dʒekt]n. 主題;科目;主語;國民adj. 服從的;易患…的;受制於…的vt. 使…隸屬;使屈從於…
subject 主題;學科;主體;主題,專業;subject to 使受到,使遭遇;受制於,易 於;遭受;易受...的;Subject Research 學科專研究;研究;學科專琢磨;subject matter 主題;標的;創作的題材;題材;Subject contrast 被檢體對比度;被攝物對比度;物體對比;拍攝物反差;
1.It is a bounden duty for a soldier to be subjected to the orders. 服從命令是軍人的天職。
2.What is the nature of this subject? 社會醫學的學科性質是什麼?
3.Maths is a good subject, I like it. 數學是一個好學的科目。我喜歡它。
What subject did you major in university? - 你在大學主修的科目是什麼?
What was your best subject in college? - 大學時你哪門功課最好?
In what subject did you get the highest marks? - 你哪門科目得分最高?
Which subject were you best interested in? - 你對哪一科最有興趣?
Politics are a sensitive subject of conversation. - 政治是交談的敏感話題。
The subject is unfamiliar to me. - 那個問題我不熟悉。
Because hs is thinking of majoring in this subject at the university. - 因為他考慮把此學科作為在大學裡的專業。
He has graciously consented to speak to us on that subject tonight. - 他同意今晚他將就這一專題演講。
Many people's feelings concur on the subject of freedom. - 許多人的感情,在自由的問題上是一致的。
The following answer is subject to official confirmation. - 以下的答案必須再經過正式確認才有效。
Referring to your inquiry letter dated 29th September, we are offering you the following subject to our final confirmation. - 關於貴方9月29日的詢價信,我方就如下產品報價,以我方最後確認為準。
This offer is firm subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than December 15. - 此報盤為實盤,但以我方在12月15日前收到你方答覆為準。
This price is subject to change without notice. - 此價格可以不經通知自行調整。
The offer isn't subject to prior sale. - 本報盤以貨物未售出為條件。
The offer is made without engagement. All orders will be subject to our written acceptance. - 此報盤沒有約束力,所有定單以我方書面接受為準。
We can offer you a price of 8 pounds per item, from 20 days, after which the price will be subject to an increase of 5%. - 我們給您報價每件8英鎊,有效期20天,過期價格增加5%。
It's our favourite subject of conversation. - 天氣是我們最喜歡談論的話題。
No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for these are countless do-it-yourself publications. - 由於出版了不計其數的教人自己動手做事的書報雜誌,沒有人再能說對某事一無所知。
The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. - 司法特派員不受任何政治壓力的制約。
Shortly after this the famous H. M. S. Challenger expedition established the study of the sea-floor as a subject worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists. - 此後不久,英國著名的「挑戰者」號艦艇對海底的那次考察,把對海床的研究確立為一個值得一流物理學家和地質學家從事的研究課題。
From both maturity to death, a wave is subject to the same laws as any other'living'thing. - 從成熟到消亡,波浪和其他任何活動中"的東西一樣,都受制於共同的法則。
Custom has not commonly been regarded as a subject of any great moment. - 風俗一般未被認為是什麼重要的課題。
The following answer is subject to official confirmation. - 以下的答案必須再經過正式確認才有效。
A talk? What subject should I talk about? - 吉姆,講話?我能講什麼題目呢?
On the subject of reading, Francis Bacon, who lived at about the same time as shakespeare, wrote these words, Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. This good advice shows how it is possible to read - 「有些書是應當嘗嘗滋味的,有些書是應當吞食下去的,有少數書是應當咀嚼和消化的。」這個忠告很好,它表明可以用不同的方法來閱讀不同類型的書。
Other books are for reading slowly and carefully. If it is a book on a subject that you are interested in, you will want to chew and digest it. That does not mean reading it too slowly. When you pick up a book for the first time, check that it is not to - 還有一些書是要慢慢地、仔細地閱讀的。如果有一本書談論的題目你很感興趣,你就想「咀嚼、消化它」。這並不意味著要讀得太慢。當你第一次拿起一本書的時候,你得檢查一下,這本書不是太難讀。除非從頭幾頁書中你能看出這是一本你容易讀懂的書,否則你就不要去讀它。
Speak to your father and tell him that you are already doing well in the subject of your choice. If you like, remind him that many women have chosen to work in fields that were not used to accepting women. You can point out that Florence Nightingale opene - 和你的父親談談,告訴他你在所選的學科領域裡已經做得很不錯了。如果你願意的話,請提醒他,許多女子已經選擇了過去慣於不接受婦女的部門去工作了。你可以向他指出,弗洛倫斯·南丁格爾開闢了護理學,居里夫人為婦女從事科學開創了天地。懇求你父親和你的老師談一談,他會發?2283
subject of labor - 勞動對像
subject received treatment - 受治療都
n. subject contrast - 景物反差
patient subject to hyperhidrosis - 汗家
n.經絡敏感人 - channel-sensitive subject
對照目標 - control subject
一般 - general subject
健康的受驗者,健康主題 - healthy subject
標準項目 - normal subject
肥胖學科 - obese subject
n.汗家 - patient subject to hyperhidrosis