abbreviated install 簡略安裝;Copyright Violation when attempting to install game 安裝違反著作權的遊戲;Conceal Install 暗裝;Custom Install 自定義安裝;一般性設置;定制安裝;自訂安裝;Customised Install 定制化安裝;
1.When using EZ-TC test cocks to perform this test, close No. 1 and 2 shutoffs, install adaptor fitting in test cock 3 and install sight tube in adaptor. 當採用EZ-TC測試旋塞進行檢測時,關閉1號和2號關閉閥,在測試旋塞3號上安裝適配器連接件,在適配器內安裝觀察管。
2.Since Thinnet was easier to install, it was also cheaper to install. 因為細同軸電纜易於安裝,安裝費用也較低廉。
3.Re-install driver doesn't help, even re-install Windows XP doesn't help, re-format is the only way to go… 利害的是-從新安裝視窗也沒有辦法修復,代表除了格式化再從灌一次以外,真的別無他法…
4.You can replicate your install to various machines, however you must replicate the install before logging in for the first time. 你可以將安裝程序複製到任何機器上,然而,但是您必須在第一次登陸前複製安裝程序。
5.Before using the machine, the clients should install guarding shed over the material adding place, install the closing floor door instrument on each floor. 8用戶使用本機前應在上料口安裝防護棚,在各樓層的通道口安裝常閉的層門裝置。
This weekend I'm going to install a home security system. - 這個週末我要裝一套家庭保安系統。