Installable 可安裝;installable component 中被描述為可安裝組件;Installable Options 可安裝選項;installable device driver 可安裝設備驅動程序;可安裝的設備驅動程序;ICD Installable Client Driver 可安裝型客戶驅動器;
1.This is especially useful if you have created your own installable drivers or system-level device drivers. 如果你創建了你自己的可安裝的驅動或者是系統級別的設備驅動的話,這樣將會相當有用。
2.This chapter explores this alternative distribution method and compares it to how an installable application is built. 本章探索了這個替代性的軟件發佈方案,並將其與一個可安裝程序的構建方法進行了比較。
3.Unless otherwise stated in this proposal, all trays will be top installable only and have two (2) manway vertically aligned to allow passage from above or below. 除非本報價另有規定,否則,所有的塔板都將為單頂部安裝型,並有兩(2)個人孔垂直對準,以便從上方或下方通過。(能否從專業角度給與解釋,不好理解)