





adverse 逆的;反向的,相反的;有害的;應收帳款的帳齡分類;adverse effect 壞的影響;反效果,副作用;藥物不良反應;不利影響;adverse selection 逆向選擇;逆選擇;反向選擇;逆反選擇;Adverse trading 不利交易;交易;Adverse criticism 反向批評, 逆向評論;反向批評, 逆向評論;


1.Acetazolamide the adverse reaction is mainly hands and feet numbness, gastrointestinal discomfort, such as kidney stones, vinegar and aamine no significant adverse reactions. 乙酰唑胺的不良反應主要是手腳麻木、胃腸不適、腎結石等,而醋甲唑胺未見明顯不良反應。

2.This article catalogued the creasing number of adverse reaction of common used medications on the eyes and, if possible, mechanisms that induced adverse reaction were also discussed. 本文簡要介紹了引起眼部不良反應的常用藥物及產生不良反應的機制。

3.Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity . 選民受到反面宣傳的影響,對這個政黨冷淡了。

4.Objective:to introduce mainly the common adverse drug reactions of antipyretic analgesics, and application notes. 目的:主要介紹解熱鎮痛藥物的常見不良反應及應用注意事項。

5.In high speed offset printing, unstable performance of bailer has adverse effect on the quality of presswork. 在高速膠印生產中,水斗液的性能不穩定對印刷品的質量產生不良影響。


is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, - 是逆境的犧牲品,


dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi - 下厥上冒

downward qi; keepiing the adverse qi downward; to keep the adverse qi flowing downward - 下氣

adverse reaction; untoward reaction - 不良反應

adverse effect; harmful effect - 不良影響

adverse effect - 反效應

threshold of no adverse effect - 無害作用閾

threshold of adverse effect - 有害作用閾

adverse reaction - 有害反應

deafness due to adverse flow of qi - 氣聾

adverse flow of qi and fire in the liver channel - 肝經氣火上逆

aversion of the kidney to dryness; the kidney being adverse to dryness; the kidney being advese to dryness - 腎惡燥

adverse rising of the stomach-qi; the upwardly perverse qi of the stomach - 胃氣上逆

adverse rising of stomach - 胃火沖逆

adverse rising of the stomach-heat - 胃熱上逆

the spleen being adverse to dampness - 脾惡濕

lowering the adverse flow of qi; send down the ascending reverse flow of qi - 降逆

lowering the adverse flow of qi - 降逆氣


n.氣聾 - deafness due to adverse flow of qi

n.下厥上冒 - dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi

藥物副作用有關信息 - information on drug adverse reactions

n.下氣 - keepiing the adverse qi downward

藥物付作用訴訟 - lawsuit on adverse drug reactions

n.降逆,降逆氣 - lowering the adverse flow of qi

藥物逆反應失敗的釋放系統 - relief system of victim of adverse reaction of medicine

n.腎惡燥 - the kidney being adverse to dryness

n.脾惡濕 - the spleen being adverse to dampness

n.有害作用閾 - threshold of adverse effect

n.無害作用閾 - threshold of no adverse effect

n.下氣 - to keep the adverse qi flowing downward

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