CFGabbr. 上下文無關文法;控制流圖control flow graph
cfg 上下文無關文法;Cement Fly-ash Gravel;context-free grammars;立方英尺天然氣;CFG ComputationalFluidDynamicsVisualizationToolkit 計算流體力學形象化工具包;CFG Configuration 結構,佈局;CFG-ROVER 全場搖擺人;get dbm cfg 返回數據庫管理器配置設置。;
1.CFG is commonly created for a single procedure. 通常,為一個單一過程建立一個CFG。
2.Since a procedure in a high-level language has a single entry and a single exit point, it is common for a CFG to have a unique entry and exit node as well. 因為在高級語言中一個過程有一個單一入口點和一個單一出口點,所以一個CFG通常也有唯一的入口結點和出口結點。
3.Results of calculation show that dissipation of excess pore water pressure due to squeezing effect of concrete-cored sand-gravel piles is faster than that of the ordinary CFG piles. 算例表明,成樁後的混凝土芯砂石樁,其擠土效應產生的超孔隙水壓力的消散,遠快於常用的水泥粉煤灰碎石樁(CFG樁)。