





n. cover girl ,pin-upa. adorable ,endearing


lovely['lʌvli]adj. 可愛的;令人愉快的


lovely 可愛的;真可愛;可愛;她很美麗;Lovely Idol 甜蜜偶像;天使偶像;甜美偶像;天之煉獄甜蜜奇像;Lovely Roses 可愛的玫瑰花;Lovely Bones 可愛的骨頭;屍中罪;Lovely eyes 可愛眼睛;


1.Flying! Flying ! the lovely dove. 飛吧!飛吧!可愛的白鴿。

2.I have lovely friends. 偶有可愛的朋友 。

3.I am a lovely girl, have big eyes, small nose and rosy lips. 我是一個可愛的女孩,有大眼睛,小鼻子和紅潤的嘴唇。


Yes. It's a lovely day and good enough to travel. - 是的,天氣很好,旅遊是再好不過了。

Goodbye, thanks for inviting me. I had a lovely time. - 再見,謝謝您的邀請。我度過了一段美妙的時光。

It's a lovely area, - 那裡是個可愛的地方,

This is a lovely two-bedroom house in your price range. - 這一棟可愛房子有兩間臥室, 在你們價格範圍內。

What a lovely tradition! - 多麼可愛的傳統

What a lovely couple you make! - 你們真是天生的一對。

I have lovely friends. - 我有可愛的朋友。

Thank you for the lovely flowers. - 謝謝你送給我這麼美的花。

I like the colour very much.It's lovely dress, - 我很喜歡這顏色。這件漂亮的衣服,

What about this one?It's lovely dress. - 這件怎麼樣?這是件漂亮的衣服,

A lovely day,isn't it? - 好天氣,是嗎?

what a lovely little girl she is! - 她是一個多麼可愛的小女孩耶!

That is a lovely hat! - 真是一頂可愛的帽子!

There we are!It's a lovely vase. - 這只漂亮的花瓶。

The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. - 這棟房子裡有許多房間,還有一個漂亮的花園。

As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. - 結果是,這些魚就在可愛的溫暖的水流中吃呀吃,長呀長。

It's as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. - 從某種意義上講,他們似乎是宇宙人,同我們這些凡夫俗子形成了強烈而鮮明的對照。

What a lovely couple you make! - 你們真是美麗的一對

You were very kind. You brought out all your jewellery and you told me I could take anything I wanted. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the centre. - 你太好了。當時你把所有的珠寶首飾全都拿了出來,而且說,我要什麼就可以拿什麼。漂亮的首飾太多了,實在難挑選。後來我終於看中了一條美麗的鑽石項鏈,中間還嵌著一顆大藍寶石。

It's a lovely windy day today. - 今天是個有風的好天氣。

Last August. We had a lovely holiday, one of the best ever. - 去年8月。我們度過了一個令人愉快的假日,也是有史以來最愉快的假日之一。

What a lovely place! I'm going to go across the river. - 真是個好地方!我要到河那邊去。


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