v. asteriskn. asterisk ,genius ,headliner ,leada. leading ,prima ,starring ,stellar
star[stɑ:]n. 星,恆星;明星;星形物vt. 用星號標於;由…主演,由…擔任主角vi. 擔任主角adj. 明星的,主角的;星形的
star 明星;星形;星;星,星形,星號;star anise 八角;八角茴香;大茴香;茴香;star network 星形網絡;星型網;星型網絡;星狀網;Star Ruby 咖啡珍珠;星彩紅寶石;紅寶石;星路比;Star Trek 星際旅行;星艦前傳;星艦迷航記;電影《星際迷航》;
1.He starred his boat. 他在他的船體上用星星作裝飾。
2.Love sunrise, sunset, star and moon. 喜歡日落,日出,星星,月亮。
3.Find the star that twinkles in your heart? 找到了心中那顆閃爍的星星了嗎?
Charley was the star of the team. - Charley,是當時隊裡的明星。
I know a pop star who's a lesbian. - 我認識的位歌星是女同性戀。
I'm going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson. - 我要當邁克爾.傑克遜那樣的歌星。
Imagine a star up t twenty times larger, brighter, brighter and hotter than our own sun. - 設想一下,一顆恆星比我們的太陽還要大,還要亮,還要熱20倍,
Alternatively, if the star were small, the life-supporting planet would have to have a close orbit round it and also provide the perfect conditions for life forms to develop. - 反之,如果恆星很小,維持生命的行星就要在離恆星很近的軌道上運行,而且要有極好的條件才能使生命得以發展,
chinese anise; chinese anisetree; fructus anisi stellati; illicium verum; star anise fruit - 八角茴香
anise star oil; chinese anise oil; oleum illicii; star anise oil - 八角茴香油
star dust - 星塵
star activity - 星活性
star cells - 星狀空泡細胞
n.八角茴香油 - anise star oil