realignmentn. 重新排列;重新組合;改組
realignment 重新定線;重新排列,改組;重劃界線;重對準;channel realignment 河道改道;改變河道方向;航道改線;secular realignment 持久的政黨選民重組;realign realignment 重新排列;monetary realignment 貨幣比價調整;
1.US officials have stressed the importance of sticking to the current plan, which is part of a complex realignment of US forces. 美國官員強調,堅持當前的計劃很重要。該計劃是一項美軍調整軍力部署的複雜計劃的一部分。
2.Therefore, the credit crunch will likely persist despite close to zero interest rates because it is a matter of bank capital inadequacy and risk realignment. 所以,信貸的艱難局面可能堅持儘管緊挨零利率,因為它是銀行資本不適當和風險重新組合。
3.Realignment creates the right conditions for optimizing production processes, cutting costs and achieving a lasting upturn in the company's ability to compete. 革新重組為優化生產過程、降低成本和持續提高公司的競爭能力創造合適的條件。