





reduce reduce to 歸納為;Reduce absenteeism 改善員工缺勤率;Installation of aerators on faucets to reduce water usage 安裝曝氣機上的水龍頭,以減少用水量;Reduce absenteeism 改善員工缺勤率;reduce abuse by those suffering minor ailments 減少傷病不嚴重的病人濫用急症室的情況;


1.Reduce the number of propyl alcohol means that reduce costs, and reduce the emission of fountain solution. 減少異丙醇就意味著降低成本,及減少潤版液的排放。

2.For example, it can improve rotated inverted pendulum system stability, reduce wheel robot vibration and reduce shear machine overshoot and reduce delay time. 例如增加圓周倒單擺系統的穩定性、降低兩輪平衡車的震動以及降低飛剪裁切超越量及降低停滯時間。

3.The result shows that ST-KT can used with modified starch, and it can reduce PVA dosage, reduce sizing cost, and reduce warp broken ends in weaving. 結果表明,ST-KT與變性澱粉等漿料混合使用,可大大減少PVA的用量,降低上漿成本,且織造時經紗斷頭顯著減少。

4.If there is something matter ahead to be settle during driving, pluck gear to slide to reduce urgent braking so as to reduce energy consumption caused by braking. Reduce racing. 在行駛中,如果發現前面情況要提前處理,可採取摘擋滑行的方法,盡量減少緊急制動以減少因制動造成的能量損耗。

5.The compositive type IC such as MOSFET and IGBT, can reduce package number, reduce total cost, simplify ballast design, reduce switch loss, promote tone light energy force. MOSFET 和 IGBT 等集成式IC,可削減組件數目、降低總體本錢、簡化鎮流器設計、降低開關損耗,並晉陞調光能力。


As if this were not enough to reduce you to tears, your husband arrives, unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner. - 好像這一切還不足以使你急得掉淚,你的丈夫接著回來了,事先沒打招呼就帶來3個客人吃飯。

If you order in large lots, we'll reduce the price. - 如果你大量訂購,我們可以降價


reduce the toxicity and side effects of the drug - 減低該藥的毒副作用

reduce tailing - 減尾

inducing diuresis to reduce edema - 利尿消腫

induce diuresis to reduce fluid retention; inducing diuresis to reduce fluid retention - 利尿逐飲

relieve stuffiness of the chest and reduce mass - 寬胸散結

arrest acid regurgitation and reduce phlegm - 止酸化痰

warming the lumg to reduce watery phlegm; warning the lung to reduce watery phlegm - 溫肺化飲

nourishing yin to reduce pathogenic fire - 滋陰降火

eliminating dampness and eliminating phlegm; removing dampness to reduce phlegm - 燥濕化痰

eliminating phlegm for resuscitation; reduce phligm for resuscitation - 豁痰醒腦

reduce fever due to deficiency of qi; reducing fever due to deficiency of qi - 退虛熱

removing burning wood from under the boiler; removing burning wood from under the boiler; to reduce excess heat by purgation - 釜底抽薪

to reduce pathogenic fire - 降火


n.止酸化痰 - arrest acid regurgitation and reduce phlegm

n.利尿逐飲 - induce diuresis to reduce fluid retention

n.利尿消腫 - inducing diuresis to reduce edema

n.利尿逐飲 - inducing diuresis to reduce fluid retention

n.滋陰降火 - nourishing yin to reduce pathogenic fire

n.寬胸散結 - relieve stuffiness of the chest and reduce mass

n.燥濕化痰 - removing dampness to reduce phlegm

n.釜底抽薪 - to reduce excess heat by purgation

n.降火 - to reduce pathogenic fire

n.溫肺化飲 - warming the lumg to reduce watery phlegm

n.溫肺化飲 - warning the lung to reduce watery phlegm

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