





n. creative thinker ,head ,idea ,judgementv. bear in mind ,beware ,heed ,take care


v. forget


mind[maind]n. 理智,精神;意見;智力;記憶力vt. 介意;專心於;照料vi. 介意;注意


mind 介意,反對;見解;介意;心理;Mind Machine 頭腦大激盪;智力機器;思考機器;mind blindness 精神盲;illegal mind 違法心理;folk mind 民心;


1.My son can mind the store for me. 我兒子能幫我照看商店。

2.Would you mind if i hurt you? 如果我傷害了你你會介意嗎?

3.Sky is blue and mind is open. 天空是蔚藍的,心胸是敞開的。


Would you mind telling me what the climate is like in California? - 您能告訴我加利福尼亞的氣候怎麼樣?

Would you mind opening your suitcase? - 請把您的箱子打開,好嗎?

Do you mind if I pay in cash? - 你介意我付現金嗎?

Would you mind showing me your showroom? - 您可以帶我參觀一下展室嗎?

Do you have any questions in mind about them, Mr. Martin? - 你還有什麼問題嗎,馬丁先生?

And take measures to reinforce them. Please set your mind at rest. - 並採取措施加固。請放心好了。

Do you mind if I pay in RMB? - 你們介意我付人民幣嗎?

Well, I guess we all have to take our mind off work once in a while. - 對,我們都應該忙裡偷閒。

Do you mind if I smoke? - 我抽煙你介意嗎?

Some people don't mind being alone. I do. - 有些人不在乎獨自生活。 我在乎。

There must be some way to put my mind to good use. - 總會有辦法讓我發揮才智。

to your finding a way to use that wonderful mind of yours. - 能夠讓你施展你的學識。

if you don't mind listening. - 假如你不介意聽的話。

If you don't mind my asking, where did you come from? - 你從哪兒來?要是你不介意我這麼問的話。

Oh! Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I am, but my mind isn't. - 噢, 嗨, 爺爺。是的, 當然, 我準備好了, 但是有點心事。

I don't mind at all. - 我一點也不介意。

Well ... you mind if I look around - 嗯……你們不介意我到處瞧瞧

Would you mind not doing it? - 你能不能別那麼做?

Would you mind eating out this evening? - 你介意今晚上館子吃飯嗎?

I'm in the red again, would you mind lending me some money? - 我又 囊中羞澀了,借點錢給我吧。

My mother doesn't mind who comes to stay, she's very easy-going. - 我母親不在乎有什麼人來往,她十分隨和。

I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'd like to know. - 我希望你不介意我向你打聽一下,我想知道。

Would you mind telling me... - 你能告訴我...

I don't mind what you do. - 你幹什麼事我都不在乎。

Would you mind telling me more about...? - 你能告訴我關於…的情況嗎?

He made up his mind to give up smoking. - 他下決心戒煙。

I can't make up my mind about it. - 關於那件事,我還不能做決定。

A man can develop his mind by reading. - 讀書增進個人的智慧。

I hope you don't mind my asking, but I wonder if it might be at all possible for you to lend me your car. - 希望你不介意我的請求,我不知道你是否可以把車借我用一用。

Would you mind if I took a day off? - 我請一天假可以嗎?

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. - 腦中有知識,勝過手中有金錢。

I don't mind staying up late. - 我不在乎熬夜。

Are you clear in your own mind what you ought to do. - 你自己是否清楚該做什麼?

He was out of his mind with grief. - 他傷心得精神錯亂了。

Would you mind closing the window for me? - 能幫我關一下窗戶嗎?(你介意關下窗戶嗎?)

Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow? - 你介意明天某時打電話回來嗎?

Those business partners are of equal mind on the matter. - 那些企業的合夥人對這個問題的意向是一致的。

Would you mind not spitting everywhere? - 不要隨地吐痰行嗎?

Would you mind opening the window? - 你介意開窗嗎?

Would you mind mailing this letter for me? - 你能替我寄這封信嗎?

Would you mind mailing this letter for me? - 你介意寄我的這封信嗎?

Would you mind giving me a push?My car has stalled. - 你介意幫我推一下?我的汽車拋錨了。

Would you mind handing me that cup? - 請把那個杯子遞給我,好嗎?

Would you mind if I opened the window? - 我開窗,可以嗎?

Do you mind if I turn off the light? - 我把燈關了,好嗎?

would you mind if I borrowed your car? - 我想借用一下你的汽車可以嗎?

Yes. And another thing, would you mind not making long distance calls? - 是的。還有一件事,請你別打長途電話了,好嗎?

Dad, do you mind if we use this room? - 爸,我們可以使用這個房間嗎?

Pam clearly saw in her mind what would happen. - 柏姆無法明白究竟發生了什麼事。

He has a mind to become a revolutionary. - 他有當革命家的胸襟。


concentration of mind on something - 存想

tranquilize the mind and aid digestion - 安神健胃

tranquilizing the mind and aiding digestion - 安神建胃

mind and body - 心身

mind oncentration - 意守

concentrating the mind on breathing - 正念

over-absorption of mind in qigong dirigation - 著意

mind and body - 精神與肉體

mind blindness psychic blindness - 精神性盲

mental deafness; mind deafness; psychic deufness - 精神性聾


n.精神不健全的人 - a man of unsound mind

n.寧靜的心情 - a tranquil mind

n.身心 - body and mind

n.寧心 - calm the mind

童心 - child's mind

n.獨立神守 - concentrate the spirit to keep a sound mind

n.正念 - concentrating the mind on breathing

n.存想 - concentration of mind on something

n.系緣止 - concentration of the mind

n.過度的情志波動 - extreme anxiety of the mind

n.心境 - frame of mind

好心理 - girl's mind

n.思想開通,襟情坦白 - have largeness of the mind

n.健康有助於身心的安寧 - Health administers to peace of the mind

n.精神內守 - keeping a sound mind

n.觀神色 - observation of the state of mind

n.執著 - over-absorption of mind

n.著意 - over-absorption of mind in qigong dirigation

n.執著 - over-absorption of the mind

n.使腦子得到休息 - relax one's mind

n.定境 - still state of the mind

n.心不藏神 - The heart fails in housing the mind

n.神之消 - the vanishing of the mind

n.煉神 - training of mind

n.安神健胃 - tranquilize the mind and aid digestion

n.鎮靜 - tranquilizing the mind

n.安神建胃 - tranquilizing the mind and aiding digestion


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