Sendai 仙台;仙台市;病毒;川內;Sendai Station 仙台驛;Sendai paramyxovirus 釋義:仙台副粘病毒;SENDAI JP 仙台;SENDAI SDJ 仙台;
1.Objective:Observe the effects of the serum medicated with different concentrations of Qingfei Oral Liquid on the cell lesion of Sendai virus, adenovirus of type 3 and 7 over tissue culture. 目的:觀察不同稀釋度的含清肺口服液的血清在組織培養上對仙台病毒、腺病毒3型和腺病毒7型致細胞病變作用的影響。
2.The train puffed towards Tokyo form Sendai. 火車從仙台開往東京。
3.Department of Thoracic Surgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan. 解放軍北京軍醫學院解剖學教研室。
4.Hill Sendai peak 1195 meters above sea level, Qi Xiu peaks, like the Big Buddha on a stand. 仙台山主峰海拔1195米,山峰奇秀,儼然一尊大佛巍然屹立。
5.In the past year the airline has also launched scheduled services to Phuket, Busan, Fukuoka, Sendai and Kathmandu, and a daily charter service to Taichung in Taiwan. 過去一年,港龍航空先後推出了前往布吉、釜山、福岡、仙台和加德滿都的定期航班服務,以及每天一班前往台中的包機服務。
hemoagglubinating rvius of japan; hemoagglubinatingrviusofjapan; sendai virus; sendaivirus - 仙台病毒
hemoagglubinating rvius of japan; hemoagglubinatingrviusofjapan; sendai virus; sendaivirus - 日本血凝性病毒