





r. warmlya. ardent ,fond ,quick ,strongv. warm up


a. cool


warm[wɔ:m]adj. 溫暖的;熱情的vi. 同情;激動;變溫暖vt. 使…興奮;使…溫暖;使…感興趣n. 取暖;加熱


Warm 溫暖的,豐滿的;警告,示警;(白平衡)暖色調;溫暖的;warm up (使)暖起來;(使)活躍起來,(使)熱情起來;變熱;(使)作準備活動,(使)熱身;British warm 英國軍官穿的雙排鈕扣的短大衣;雙排紐扣的軍用大衣;不是「英國的溫暖」, 而是「雙排紐扣的軍用短大衣」。;一種軍用大衣;DELTA WARM 偏暖色白平衡;warm color 暖色;


1.Father warmed his son this morning. 今天早上爸爸把兒子打了一頓。

2.Have your very sweet and warm feeling. 有你的感覺非常甜蜜和溫暖。

3.An instant, warm current in my hearts! 頃刻,一股暖流在我心中激盪!


And we're going to warm down with a tango. - 我們用探戈舞步來舒緩。

While it may be cold outside, it's always warm here in the office. - 外面可能很冷的時候,辦公室裡面總是很暖和。

Don't you love the warm weather? - 你不喜歡溫暖的天氣嗎?

The weather is warm and sunny here.Do you get much rain? - 這裡的天氣是溫暖並且陽光充足的.你那有許多雨嗎?

Because of the warm and sunny weather,oranges grow very well here. - 因為溫暖和陽光充足的天氣,橘子在這裡成長很好。

On a cold day, a warm fireplace feels very nice. - 在天寒地凍的日子,溫暖的爐火旁是很舒服的。

Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. - 適量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。

It's always warm in April and May,but it rains sometimes. - 4月和5月的天氣總暖洋洋的,但有時下雨。

Is it cold or warm in autumn? - 秋季的天氣是冷還是暖呢?

It's always warm in September and October. - 9月和10月總是很暖和,

The weather's often cold in North and windy in the East.It's often wet in the West,and sometimes warm in the south. - 北部的天氣常常寒冷,東部則常常利風。西部常下雨,南部有時則很暖和。

It's nice and warm out here. - 這外面挺暖和。

Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. - 睡袋既暖和又舒服,所以,他們都睡得很香。

It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual. - 上星期日天氣很暖和。於是我和往常一樣,又去河邊坐著。

Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. - 而現在,發熱的地面上仍然升騰著煙霧,瀰漫在荒涼的山丘上。

the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; - 海底熱的輸油管道附近的溫暖的海水;

As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. - 結果是,這些魚就在可愛的溫暖的水流中吃呀吃,長呀長。

These young people, who love the peace of mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard's monastery. - 這些熱愛高山清靜環境的年輕人每年都受到聖伯納德道院的熱烈歡迎。

There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights. - 寒冷潮濕的冬夜裡,廣告燈箱發出的暖光,會給人某種安慰。

The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house. - 那棵樹是靠著房子有遮擋的一面暖牆生長的。

Our own warm atmosphere and the heat generated by the telescope would make it impossible to detect objects as small as planets. - 地球周圍溫暖的大氣層和望遠鏡散出的熱量使得我們根本不可能找到比行星更小的物體。

Oh dear! It's very warm in this clasroom, isn't? - 天哪,這屋裡真暖和,不是嗎?

The weather can be quite warm in autumn. - 秋天,氣候十分暖和。

You need to wear lots of warm clothes. - 人們要穿很多的保暖的衣服。

Bison were killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters. - 他們殺野牛,吃野牛肉,用野牛毛皮製成冬季御寒的衣服。

We can make a fire and warm ourselves, I suggested. - 「我們可以生火取暖,」我說道。


warm lesion; warmlesion - 中度攝取病灶

n. warm hardening - 人工硬化

n. low-temperature warm bath - 低溫溫浴

n. cold and warm forging - 冷熱鍛造

n. cold and warm forging technology - 冷熱鍛造技術

warm up; warmup - 準備運動

n. warm hydrostatic extrusion - 加溫靜液力擠壓

n. warm strength - 加熱強度

n. warm extrusion - 加熱擠壓

be warm with wine - 喝灑後興奮

slightly warm in nature - 性微溫

warm in nature; warm in onaturei; warm innature; warm natured; warmnatured - 性溫

homoiotherm; homoiothermal animal; warm blooded animal - 恆溫動物

warm the spleen and the stomach; warming the spleen and stomach - 暖脾胃

warm property - 溫

relaxing the bowols with drugs of warm nature; relaxing the powels with drugs of warm nature - 溫下

warm the middle and invigorate the spleen - 溫中健脾

warm needling - 溫刺

n. warm drawing - 溫壓延

expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature; expelling pathogenic cold and dampness - 溫寒化濕

relaxing the bowels with drugs warm in nature - 溫開通便

warm property - 溫性

warm antilbody - 溫性抗體

warm antibody type - 溫性抗體型

n. warm drawing - 溫拉伸

aqua; tepid water; warm water - 溫水

warm water treatment - 溫水處理

warm sponge bath - 溫水擦浴

warm water enema - 溫水灌腸

damp heat; dampheat; warm and heat pathogen - 溫熱

n. warm strength - 溫熱強度

warm sensation - 溫熱感覺

warm and heat pathogen; warm-heat pathogen - 溫熱邪氣

warm lesion; warmlesion - 溫病灶

n. warm hardening - 溫硬化

warm air - 溫空氣

warm nodule - 溫結節

warm the kidney to invigoratr yang; warming the kidney to invigorate yang - 溫腎壯陽

hemathermal; hematothermal; homothermal; warm blooded; warmblooded - 溫血的

warm and restore qi in the lower - 溫補下虛

warm and invigorate to stop the bleeding - 溫補止血

pathogenic warm; warm pathogen; warmpathogen - 溫邪

attack of pathogenic warm on the upper-jiao - 溫邪上受

attack of pathogenic warm on the lung - 溫邪犯肺

n. temperature range of warm forging - 溫鍛溫度範圍

n. warm hydrostatic extrusion - 溫靜液擠壓

n. warm pressing - 熱壓力

warm antibody - 熱抗體

n. warm hardening - 熱沉澱硬化

n. warm and hot forging - 熱鍛造


n.溫邪犯肺 - attack of pathogenic warm on the lung

n.溫邪上受 - attack of pathogenic warm on the upper-jiao

n.喝灑後興奮 - be warm with wine

n.湯劑一般是溫服 - drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm

n.辛溫 - drugs pungent in flavor and warm in property

n.溫寒化濕 - expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature

n.迎風熱淚 - iritated epiphora with warm tear

保持頭部冷靜四肢活力 - keeping head cool and feet warm

矛盾溫覺,溫幻覺 - paradoxical warm sensation

n.溫邪 - pathogenic warm

n.溫開通便 - relaxing the bowels with drugs warm in nature

n.溫下 - relaxing the bowols with drugs of warm nature

n.溫下 - relaxing the powels with drugs of warm nature

n.性微溫 - slightly warm in nature

n.溫服 - to be taken warm

n.風溫 - wind warm


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