unreclaimed 未收回的;未改造好的;未開墾的;unreclaimed field 未開墾地;未改良的土地;unreclaimed land 荒地;
1.land, forests, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed land, beaches and other areas that are provided by law to be under collective ownership; 法律規定為集體所有的土地和森林、山嶺、草原、荒地、灘涂等;
2.The evaluation of unreclaimed land productive potential in surface coal mine are keys for promulgating land reclamation planning in the mine. 露天煤礦待復墾土地生產潛力評價是編製土地復墾規劃的一個重要內容。
3.State-owned or collective-owned waste hills or unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation may be contracted to individuals or collectives for afforestation. 國有和集體所有的宜林荒山荒地可以由個人或者集體承包造林。