





your[jɔ:, jəu, ॼ౪ə]pron. 你的,你們的


your 你的;你們的;你的,你們的;你(們)的;Your lips 難忘的熱吻;你的唇;你的脣;你的吻;YOUR SONG 你的歌;給你的歌;你的歌曲;艾爾頓強;YOUR EYES 充滿戀情的眼睛;你的眼神;你的眼;你的眼睛;Your World 你的世界;施拉格;生活環境;生活環境:改善周圍環境;


1.Trust in god but lock your car. 相信上帝,但是給你的車上鎖。

2.Trying to touch memory past the end of your allocated block will earn you an immediate page fault. 嘗試接觸超過你所分配的(內存)塊的末端將讓你獲得一個直接的頁面錯誤。

3.Your create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore it behooves you to examine them carefully. 你按照你的信念和期望創造了自己的實在,所以它理應由你來謹慎地審查。


Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom. I didn't recognize your voice. - 噢,李小姐。我是湯姆。我沒聽出你的聲音。

She is not able to take your call at the moment. - 她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

Yes. I'm sorry, but how do you spell your last name, sir? - 好的,不過對不起,先生你的姓怎麼拼?

What's the spelling of your family name, sir? - 您的姓怎麼拼,先生?

I'll give him your message as soon as he's available. - 他一有空我就轉告他您的留言。

OK. I'll let you get back to your work. - 好,你過去工作吧。

I wonder if you and your husband can join us. - 不知道你和你丈夫能不能賞光?

Seven o'clock, I'll pick you up at your office. - 晚7點,我去辦公室接你。

May I have your name and number, please? - 請問你的姓名和電話號碼?

Can I have your name, please? - 請問您貴姓大名?

I'm just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. - 我打電話確認明天下午3點你約定的時間。

When was your reservation? - 您預定的是什麼時候?

I need your help badly. My car can't start. Can you send somebody over? - 我急需你們的幫助。我的車啟動不了,能派人來修嗎?

Can you send your tow truck over here? - 你們能派輛拖車來嗎?

I'm in great need of your assistance. - 我特別需要您的幫助。

I'm calling for your assistance. - 我打電話是要您幫助我。

They'll be at your door within a few minutes. - 他們會盡快送到你的門口。

No problem, sir. Someone will bring them to your room shortly. - 沒問題,先生。有人會盡快給你送過去。

Let me confirm your name and room number. - 我需要確定一下您的姓名和房間號碼。

Please remain calm, sir. Just give me your name and your location. - 請保持鎮靜,先生。告訴我你的名字和所在地點。

Just give me your name and the place where you are calling from? - 請給我您的姓名與地點所在。

Is your wife ill? - 是你太太病了嗎?

Take it easy, sir. I'll need your name, in full, and what's happened. - 別著急,給我你的全名和事情的情況。

This is Susan with Jiaotong University student. May I have your name, sir? - 我是交通大學的在校生蘇珊,請問您貴姓?

We will help your children in learning lessons in their free time. - 我們可以幫助您的孩子在他們空閒時學習功課。

Would you please repeat your offer again? - 能否再說一遍您的優惠?

Oh. Your offer sounds interesting. - 哦,您所給的優惠聽起來蠻吸引人的。

I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 這點我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。

Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship. - 沒關係的。這是向你表示我們在生意及友誼上的一點心意。

Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife. - 謝謝你的邀請。請代我問候貴夫人。

I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 十分感謝您的款待。

Take care on your way back. - 回程保重了。

Sure. It's up ahead to your left. - 好的。往前走,在你的左邊。

Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs declaration? - 歡迎來中國。我可以看一下您的入境申請報表嗎?

Would you mind opening your suitcase? - 請把您的箱子打開,好嗎?

Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies? - 請把你所帶的外幣登記一下,好嗎?

Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China. - 是的,檢查完畢。希望您在中國過得愉快。

Would you please hand me your customs declaration form? - 請出示您的申報表給我?

Please have your customs declaration form ready. - 請把您的申報表準備好。

Could you give me some information on your European tours? - 你可以給我一些你們經辦的有關歐洲旅行的資料嗎?

I would like to know about your honeymoon travel packages. - 我想要知道你們辦的有關蜜月旅行計劃。

Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. - 陸先生,沒問題的。您從今天訂到星期三,單人房。

Your room number is 512. Here's your key. - 房間號碼是512。這是您的鑰匙。

Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number? - 每問題。先生,請您在支票背後簽上名字和護照號碼。

And I'll need to see your passport. - 另外,我需要看一下您的護照。

No problems. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Lu. - 沒問題。這是您的護照,還有您的錢。祝您愉快,陸先生。

I have your bill right here. - 您的賬單在這裡。

Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast? - 您今天早上沒有打長途電話或吃早餐記賬?

I see. May I have your driver's license? - 我明白了,請拿出你的駕駛執照好嗎?

A small one will do. What is your best rate? - 小型車就可以了。你們最優惠的價格是多少?


your uterus has developed normally - 你的子宮發育正常

what have you done to your hand - 你的手怎麼傷的

Your complexion is pale and lusterless - 你的面色白而無華

Here is your prescription - 這是你的處方


n.這是你的處方 - Here is your prescription

n.你的手怎麼傷的 - what have you done to your hand


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