





Londonn. 倫敦


London 倫敦;英國倫敦;敦市;倫敦牌香煙;Central London 倫敦市中心;Hellgate London 暗黑之門倫敦;暗黑之門;暗黑之門-倫敦;地獄之門倫敦;London Smog 倫敦煙霧;London force 倫敦力;釋義:倫敦力,色散力;


1.Jack London was not a happy man. 傑克·倫敦不是一個快樂的人。

2.London is a little world in itself. 倫敦城裡就是一個小型世界。

3.Yes, I first flew to France from London. 好的,我首先從倫敦乘飛機到法國。


He speaks with London accent. - 他帶點倫敦口音。

What flights do you have from New York to London tomorrow? - 明天從紐約飛往倫敦的有哪幾班機?

I'll leave for London if I finish my work today. - 如果我今天完成工作,我就會去倫敦。

I'd like to reconfirm my flight from london to tokyo. - 我要再確認一下我從倫敦到東京的班機。

Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? - 請你更改一下從倫敦到東京的班機日期好嗎?

Can I fix an overseas call to London by person-to-person call? - 我要打到倫敦的叫人電話好嗎?

I will be visiting London in March. - 我將在三月份訪問倫敦。

I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day. - 幾天前我把一隻手提箱忘在開往倫敦的火車上了。

We get to London this afternoon. - 我們是今天下午到達倫敦的。

We reached London this afternoon. - 我們是今天下午到達倫敦的。

We arrived in London this afternoon. - 我們是今天下午到達倫敦的。

There was a murder in London yesterday. - 昨天倫敦發生了一起謀殺案。

She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. - 她對倫敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。

He'll return to London the week after next. - 再下個星期他將返回倫敦。

Sensational News! By our reporter, Alan Jones. Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. - 爆炸性新聞!由本報記者艾倫。瓊斯報導。卡倫。馬什今天到達倫敦機場。

At her London Hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire. - 今天在倫敦旅館,馬什小姐告訴記者她可能要退休。

I arrived in London at last. - 我終於到了倫敦。

When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. - 當一架來自倫敦的飛機抵達悉尼機場時,工人們開始卸下裝有服裝的一批木箱。

When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. - 當倫敦動物園接到報告說,在倫敦以南45英里處發現一隻美洲獅時,這些報告並沒有受到重視。

One day, he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for 'Myrolite', the shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the word, slowly stressing each syllable. - 一天,他去倫敦一家高級商店要買一種叫「密諾萊特」的東西,店員露出詫異的神色。哈里又慢慢地,一字一頓說了一遍這個詞,

would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter. - 就如同去倫敦見一位朋友,事先未約定地點,而荒唐地在街上遊逛,以期待碰巧遇上一樣。

I was born in a town near London. But we live in London now. - 我出生於牛津附近的一個小鎮。不過我們現在住在倫敦。

It was a cold spring morning in the city of London in England. - 英國倫敦,一個寒冷的春天的早晨。

Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and first acted when he was five years old. - 卓別林1889年出生於倫敦,5歲時就開始演戲。

I'm playing in London next Thursday. - 下週四我會來倫敦演出。

I have an exhibition in London this coming month. - 下個月我在倫敦要舉辦一次畫展。


london force; londonforce - 倫敦力

n. London penetration depth - 倫敦穿透深度

n. London penetration depth - 侖敦穿透深度

dispersion force; dispersionforce; london force; londonforce - 色散力


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