feeble-mindedadj. 低能的;遲鈍的(等於feebleminded)
feeble-minded 低能的;愚笨低能的;意志薄弱的;feeble-minded children 釋義:低能兒童;education for feeble-minded children 釋義:低能兒童教育;
1.The heat pump technology will be one of use feeble-minded regeneration energy effective technical. 熱泵技術將是利用低能再生能源的有效技術之一。
2.And this you are to do on the seventh day of the month for everyone who is in error and for the feeble-minded: you are to make the house free from sin. 本月初七日、〔七十經作七月初一日〕也要為誤犯罪的、和愚蒙犯罪的如此行.為殿贖罪。
3.He knew well that the quick witted girl could claim none of that exemption from the penalties of captivity that was so cheerfully accorded to her feeble-minded sister. 他清楚地知道,這個聰明的姑娘不可能像她那白癡的妹妹一樣享受特權,可以免受俘虜的懲罰。