socabbr. 片上系統(System on a Chip);應力光學系數(Stress Optical Coefficient);轉換反轉脈衝起始(Start of Conversion Pulse)
SOC System On Chip;System on Chip;State of charge;system on chip;TRAIL SOC 接尾燈連接器;Soc Trang 朔莊;SOC Devices 晶片元件;Multimedia SoC 多媒體單晶片;
1.We use several SOC development environments for different verification purposes. 基於不同的驗證目標,我們使用數個研發平台。
2.Finally, a new test scheme to detect the crosstalk fault, based on the path delay inertia, for interconnection lines in SoC is proposed. 最後,我們提出一個利用路徑延遲慣性原理,來測試系統電路連線之串音障礙的新測試方法。
3.The development of integrated circuits technology enables a system or a subsystem to be integrated into a chip, which is called system on chip (SOC). 集成電路芯片工藝的發展已可使一個系統或一個子系統集成在一個芯片上,稱為系統集成芯片。