funnellingn. 漏斗作用;狹管效應
funnelling 狹管效應;漏斗作用 狹管效應;車輛彙集;衖堂風;
1.In the HFC network, the funnelling effect of noise is the main restrict matter of raising the rate in the up stream channel. HFC網絡中上行信道的漏斗噪聲是制約上行信道提高傳輸速率的主要原因。
2.The DPJ has no grand strategy for restoring Japan to growth—and greatness—beyond funnelling money to consumers, and leaving them to do the hard work. 日本民主黨並沒有什麼好的戰略來恢復日本經濟增長,除了向消費者提供資金,讓他們努力工作之外沒什麼別的高招。
3.The DPJ has no grand strategy for restoring Japan to growth—and greatness—beyond funnelling money to consumers, and leaving them to do the hard work. 社民黨除了靠增加日本人民手頭的錢,讓他們去承擔「重振日本經濟高速增長勢頭」的重任以外,沒有任何其他大手筆計劃。