





r. closely ,near ,nigh ,tightn. conclusion ,end ,finale ,finisa. confining ,faithful ,near ,tightv. come together ,conclude ,fold ,shut


a. distant ,farv. open ,open up


close[kləuz]adj. 緊密的;親密的;親近的vt. 關;結束;使靠近vi. 關;結束;關閉adv. 緊密地n. 結束


Close 關閉;關閉文件;收盤;收市;Close All 關閉全部;關閉所有;關閉所有視窗;全部關閉;close down 查封;(工廠等)關閉,倒閉;停止播送;控制;Close Border 關閉邊界;Auto Close 關機精靈;


1.The workmen closed off the street for repairs. 工人們將大街封鎖進行翻修。

2.Open/ Close your book . 打開/合起 你的書 。

3.Open/close your books. 請翻開/合攏書本。


All right. We'll make close study about it and give you reply as soon as possible. - 很好。對這個問題我們將仔細研究一下,盡快給你們答覆。

Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. - 然後,閉上眼睛念魔語。

No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City. - 沒有。我在紐約有很要好的朋友。

Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish. - 現在最重要的是讓魚鉤靠近魚。

I feel that no other car comes close as far as luxury and reliability are concerned. - 我覺得就豪華和可靠性而言,沒有其它汽車能與其媲美。

It's too close to the refreshments. - 它離茶點太近了。

Gates close at 5pm sharp. - 大門 5 點正關閉。

This universal language has always brought people of different cultures close together. - 這種世界性的語言將不同文化的人緊密地結合在一起。

That was a close call! We nearly hit that car. - 真是好險阿,我們差點撞著那輛汽車。

I can assuer you of our close cooperation. - 我保證通力合作。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

Packing has a close bearing on sales. - 包裝直接關係到產品的銷售。

A close mouth catches no flies. - 病從口入,禍從口出。

The population of the city is close to a million. - 這個城市的人口接近一百萬。

Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. - 當火山正在猛烈地噴發時,塔捷耶夫有辦法把帳篷搭在離它非常近的地方。

When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. - 觀眾歡呼起來,醉漢向人們鞠躬致謝。

I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. - 我相信那箱子再也關不上了。

In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. - 做廣告的人在力圖勸說我們買下這種產品或那種產品之前,已經仔細地研究了人的本性,並把人的弱點進行了分類。

Mrs.Bussman commented on the workman's close resemblance to her husband and even suggested that he might be his brother. - 巴斯曼夫人說那工人與她丈夫相貌很像,甚至猜測他可能就是她丈夫的兄弟。

One Saturday afternoon, I hauled the machine into the garden and had a close look at it. - 一個星期六的下午,我把割草機拉到了花園裡,仔細檢查了一番。

Alternatively, if the star were small, the life-supporting planet would have to have a close orbit round it and also provide the perfect conditions for life forms to develop. - 反之,如果恆星很小,維持生命的行星就要在離恆星很近的軌道上運行,而且要有極好的條件才能使生命得以發展,

Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land. - 100年前,我們只知道海洋是二維平面形的,以及靠近陸地淺水區的深淺不一能給航行帶來危險。

I can assure you of our close cooperation. - 我保證通力合作。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

Don't close the window, Jim.Is he closing the window, Lily? - 吉姆請不要把窗戶關上。莉莉,他在關窗嗎?

I was doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. When I landed, I fell forward and hurt myself. Someone was standing too close and I knocked into him and fell over onto my shoulder. - 我當時在高低槓上練習。落地時向前摔倒受了傷。有人站的離我太近,我撞在他身上,跌了一跤,肩膀也受了傷。

One was close to the hive. - 一個靠近蜂箱。

To answer this question, von Frisch and his coworkers set up a feeding place close to the hive. - 為了回答這個問題,馮·弗裡施和他的同伴在蜂箱附近建起了一個餵食點。


close junction - 關閉連接

n. close packed lattice - 密積點陣

n. close joint - 密縫

hemorrhoids close to the anus - 平腸痔

n. close annealing - 箱中退火

close breeding; inbreeding - 近親繁殖

close range shooting - 近距離射擊


n.平腸痔 - hemorrhoids close to the anus


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