close-packed jam-packed 擁擠不堪的;Pixel Defects 像素缺陷;Interior pixel 內像素 在一幅二值圖像中,處於物體內部的像素(相對與邊界像素,外像素);內像素;在一幅二值圖像中,處於物體內部的像素(相對與邊界像素,外像素);內像素 在一幅二值圖像中,處於物體內部的像素(像度於邊界像素,外像素);pixel len 像素透鏡;Pixel Perfection 爵士搖滾;後搖滾;
1.The Pixel Center X and Pixel Centre Y parameters of a Sampler Info node correspond to the X and Y co-ordinates of the pixel being shaded. 一個採樣信息節點的象素中心X和象素中心Y參數是和被著色象素的X和Y坐標相符合的。
2.Pixel Collision - This example demonstrates how to performs accurate pixel collision detection. Made by Richard Lowe. 這個例子演示了如何進行精確的像素衝突檢測。
3.tessellated, the pipeline performs vertex processing, primitive processing, and pixel processing before generating the final pixel colors. 渲染管線就會依次進行頂點處理,元多邊形處理,和象素處理,最後生成象素顏色。
4.Focused on the highly corrupted (>50%) images by impulse noise, a noise detective algorithm pixel by pixel is proposed using sequential images. 針對受脈衝噪聲污染大(大於50%)的圖像,提出運用多幅序列圖像的點對點噪聲檢測算法。
5.CMOS sensors ordinarily output a parallel digital stream of pixel components in either YCbCr or RGB format, along with horizontal and vertical synchronization and a pixel clock. CMOS傳感器一般會輸出並行的數字信號流,該信號流通常包括YCbCr或者RGB格式的像素份量,以及水平/垂直同步和像素時鐘。