chrysolite['krisəulait]n. [礦]貴橄欖石
chrysolite 貴橄欖石;橄欖石,貴橄欖石,綠黃色橄欖石;橄欖石;黃橄欖石;chrysolite beryl 橄欖石綠寶石;chrysolite spinel 橄欖石尖晶石;false chrysolite 假橄欖石;ceylonese chrysolite 錫蘭橄欖石;
1.I also saw four wheels beside the cherubim, each wheel beside a cherub. The wheels resembled sparkling chrysolite. 我觀望時,見革魯賓旁邊有四個輪子,每一位革魯賓旁有一個輪子,輪子的外表光澤有如橄欖玉石。
2.I also saw four wheels beside them, one wheel beside each cherub; the wheels appeared to have the luster of chrysolite stone. 我觀望時,見革魯賓旁邊有四個輪子,每一位革魯賓旁有一個輪子,輪子的外表光澤有如橄欖玉石。
3.You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. 你曾在伊甸神的園中,佩戴各樣寶石,就是紅寶石,紅璧璽,金鋼石,水蒼玉,紅瑪瑙,碧玉,藍寶石,綠寶石,紅玉,和黃金。