smokilyadv. 煙熏著,冒著煙
smokily 冒著煙;煙熏著;
1.Milk white smoke was stinking thinly and smokily as rolling up in puffs from the nattierblue flames. 在淡青色的火焰中,一股一股乳白色的含著稀薄的嗆人的臭味的煙裊裊上升。
2.Chinkiang black rice vinegar Vinegar is widely used in Chinese cooking and this strong but smokily mellow-tasting fermented rice vinegar is a favourite. 鎮江黑米醋醋廣泛應用於中國烹飪,這種強烈的,但散發醇厚美味的發酵米醋是讓人特別喜歡的。
3.When police reaches the spot, coal of the flaming in furnace of the coal inside the car still is in smokily, door aperture is closed to death to death by adhesive plaster. 警方到達現場時,車內煤爐中燃燒的煤炭還在冒著煙,車門縫隙被膠布死死封閉。