1 . You had better not bother him right now.你現在最好不要去打擾他。
2 . You had better leave right now.現在你最好立刻回去。
3 . Do your children go to school yet?府上的孩子們已經上學了嗎?
4 . You look very tried tonight.今晚你看起來很疲倦。
5 . Have you been busy with schoolwork?學校的功課很忙嗎?
6 . Isn't your wife's name Ethel?尊夫人的名字是不是叫艾雪兒?
7 . May I ask you some personal questions?我可以問你一些私人問題嗎?
8 . Didn't I see you in the play The Master Builder?你沒有出演《彪拉老師》的舞台劇嗎?
9 . Which American singer do you like to listen to?你喜歡哪個美國歌星的歌曲?