基礎口語 1700 句
第 92 部分
1 . I'm going to show him how to write.我正要指點他如何寫字。
2 . I'm going to show him how to speak French.我正要指點他如何講法語。
3 . I'm going to show him how to speak Spanish.我正要指點他如何講西班牙語。
4 . I'm going to show him how to swim.我正要指點他如何游泳。
5 . I'm going to tell him what to do.我正要告訴他應該如何做。
6 . I'm going to take four boxes.我要拿四盒。
7 . I'm going to tell him how to get it.我正要告訴他如何得到它。
8 . I'm going to tell him where to go.我正要告訴他去哪裡?
9 . I'm going to tell him what to say.我正要告訴他應該說什麼。
10 . I'm going to tell him what to answer.我正要告訴他應該如何回答。