1 . I've still got a ton of paperwork left to do.我有成噸的工作要做。
2 . I've been working like a madman all day.我今天一整天都像個瘋子一樣工作。
3 . I've been busy all day.我今天一整天都非常忙。
4 . Today has just been crazy.今天都快忙瘋了。
5 . I can't wait to get home and relax.我想馬上回家休息一下。
6 . I had a million things to do today.我今天有成千上萬的事要做。
7 . It's been an extremely hectic day.今天忙的亂七八糟。
8 . There's no end to the paperwork I have on my desk.我桌上的工作永遠沒個完。
9 . I haven't had a minute to relax all day.我今天連一分鐘都沒休息。
10 . I haven't made a dent in my paperwork.我的那些文件沒怎麼動。