Unit 18 Come to the party英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 18 Come to the party對白,Unit 18 Come to the party英文怎麽說



Unit 18 Come to the party用英語怎麽說


Unit 18 Come to the party

1 . Thank you, Mum, for my party, and for my beautiful presents!媽,謝謝你為我舉辦聚會,謝謝你送給我美麗的禮物!

2 . It's my birthday, and I'm going to have a party. Didn't you know?我的生日聚會,我計劃舉辦一個聚會。你不知道嗎?

3 . I'm afraid not. She isn't here at the moment. Can I take a message?恐怕不行。她這會兒不在。有話要我轉告嗎?

4 . Oh, hi, Jim!噢,你好,吉姆!

5 . Thank you, Polly! laughed Ann.What a beautiful present! I can wear it in my new hat.「謝謝你,波利!」安笑著說。「多麼美麗的禮物啊!我可以把它插在我的新帽子上。」

6 . Oh, hello, Ann. This is Jim-Jim Green.噢,你好,安。我是吉姆--吉姆·格林。

7 . Ann, thanks a lot for asking me to your party. I'd love to come.安,非常感謝你邀請我參加你的聚會。我很樂意去。

8 . Happy birthday! said Polly, and gave Ann her present---a red feather.「生日快樂!」波利說,然後給安送禮物--一根紅羽毛。

9 . After the party. Ann feels very happy.聚會之後,安感到非常愉快。

10 . Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it?是的,今天的天氣真好!

11 . Oh, thanks very much. I'd love to. What time is it going to start?噢,非常感謝。我當然想去。聚會什麼時候開始?

12 . Certainly. One moment, please.當然。請稍等。

13 . Happy birthday! said the twins, and gave her a big red box.「生日快樂!」雙胞姐妹說,並將一個大紅盒子送給了她。

14 . Oh, good evening. May I speak to Ann, please?噢,晚上好!我想跟安講話,行嗎?

15 . It was half past four. Everything was ready.一切都準備好。

16 . Oh, thank you! said Ann. Look at the nice paper. Can I open it now, or later?「噢,謝謝你!」安說,「瞧這漂亮的紙。我現在開還是以後再開?」

17 . Happy birthday! they said.「生日快樂!」他們說。

18 . It starts at four thirty, doesn't it?聚會4:30開始,是吧?

19 . Is everyone here? asked Mother.「都到齊了嗎?」母親問。

20 . Hello, Bruce. What a beautiful day!你好,布魯斯。天氣多麼好啊!

21 . Oh, hello, Bill. Yes, this is Ann's mother.噢,你好,比爾。對,我就是安的母親。

22 . Not at all, dear. It was a pleasure.不必客氣,親愛的。這樣我很高興。

23 . What a great party! I really enjoyed it.聚會好極了!我真喜歡。

24 . All the food was on the table.食品已全上桌。

25 . No. Where's Jim? asked Ann.「沒有。吉姆在哪兒?」安問。

26 . I'm very sorry, but I can't come.但很抱歉,我不能來。

27 . I'm afraid we're going to be in Shanghai that day. I hope you all have a good time.恐怕到那天我們將在上海了。我祝你們玩得痛快。

28 . What's in the box? Ann thought. Was it some clothes?「盒子裡是啥呢?」安心想,會是衣服嗎?

29 . Half past four. Don't forget to tell Jim. I hope he can come too.4:30。別忘記告訴吉姆。我希望他也能來。

30 . Sure. I would love to come. Thanks a lot.當然。我願意來。非常感謝。

31 . Party? What party?聚會?什麼聚會?

32 . Yes, please. This is Bill here. Is that Mrs Read?是的,勞駕了。我是比爾。你是裡德夫人嗎?

33 . Oh, dear. I forgot to tell you. Would you like to come?哎唷。我忘了告訴你。你願意來嗎?

34 . Ann ran to the door, and found Li Lei outside.安跑到門口,看見李磊在門外。

35 . Oh, hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?噢,喂。請安接電話好嗎?

36 . See you. Bye.到時候見。再見。

37 . Hi, Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?你好,凱特。星期天是我的生日。你能來參加我的生日聚會嗎?

38 . But there was no time to think.All her other friends were now outside the door.但來不及去想了。其餘的朋友現在也全都到門外了。

39 . No, I didn't.不,我不知道。

40 . There's no time! laughed Mother.Here are the twins.「沒時間了!」母親笑著說,「雙胞姐妹到了。」

41 . We're ready! she said. Where is everyone?「我們都準備好了!」她說,「人都到哪兒去了?」

42 . I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.我希望你能參加我下星期天的聚會。

43 . Happy birthday! he said. Here's your present.「生日快樂!」他說,「這是給你的禮物。」

44 . I'm here! said Jim. And so is Polly!「我在這兒!」吉姆說,「波利也在這兒!」

45 . Thank you very much for asking me to Ann's party on Sunday.非常感謝你邀請我參加星期天安的聚會。

46 . Thank you. I'll give her the message.謝謝。我會把這個口信轉告她的。

47 . That's OK. It doesn't matter.好的。不要緊。

48 . OK. I'm sure he would love to come.好的。我相信他會來的。

49 . OK. But I'm afraid I may be a little late.好。不過我恐怕會稍晚一點到。

50 . The sandwiches were on the plates, and the candles were on the cake. Ann felt very happy.三明治在碟子裡,蠟燭插在蛋糕上。安覺得很愉快。

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