1 . Please call me and let me know.請打電話告訴我。
2 . I'm so glad you could make it.我很高興趕上時間。
3 . Feel free to bring your brother if he would like to come.如果喜歡的話,你不妨帶令兄一起來。
4 . We are having a party and would like you to come.我們要開派對,能請您光臨嗎?
5 . We're having a little get-together Friday night.週五晚上我們有個小派對。
6 . Please come in; you're right on time.請進,你正好準時到來。
7 . Shall I come by early to help you get ready?我提早一點來,幫忙準備宴會好嗎?
8 . Please make yourself at home.請隨意一點。
9 . We'd love to have you.我們很想邀請您。