英文諺語 3120 句(二)
第 227 部分
1 . Self-trust is the essence of heroism.自信為英雄品質之本。
2 . Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil.小人得意,忘乎所以。
3 . Shallow streams make most din.修養不深,高談闊論。
4 . Short accounts make long friends.帳算清,交情深。
5 . Sharp stomachs make short graces.餓的肚子顧不到體面。
6 . Self-trust is the first secret of success.自信是成功的首要秘訣。
7 . Selt-trust is the essence of heroism.自信是英雄的本色。
8 . Serve somebody with the same sauce.以其人之道還治其人之身。
9 . Short acquaintance brings repentance.淺交生後悔。