Unit 9 A visit to a factory英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 9 A visit to a factory對白,Unit 9 A visit to a factory英文怎麽說



Unit 9 A visit to a factory用英語怎麽說


Unit 9 A visit to a factory

1 . Every year, several classes visit the factory.每年都有好幾個班去參觀這家工廠。

2 . Come up these steps with me, please, and be careful.請跟我走上這些台階,請小心點。

3 . The ones in this corner are cutting machines.在這個角落的機器是切削機。

4 . They all went up some narrow steps into a large room.他們全都登上這些狹窄的台階,接著進入一個大房間。

5 . How long have you lived there?你在那裡住多久了?

6 . I know! smiled Lucy. They have steps, and they begin with L!「我知道!」露茜笑著說,「它們有階梯,並且這個單詞是以L開頭的!」

7 . Uncle Wang was waiting for them outside the factory gate.王大叔在工廠大門外等他們。

8 . Please don't touch the machines.請不要摸這些機器。

9 . So she's been at this school since September?這麼說來,她自9月份才在這所學校學習?

10 . They all looked at a big and noisy machine in another corner of the machine shop.他們全都看著機械車間另一角落的一台又大又嘈雜的機器。

11 . Uncle Wang, may I ask you some questions, please?王大叔,我可以問你一些問題嗎?

12 . The students walked through the gates with Uncle Wang.學生們跟隨王大叔走進大門。

13 . Last November it was Class 3's turn.去年11月,輪到3班去參觀了。

14 . Come straight along here, please.請直接沿這裡走過來。

15 . What about your sister Kate? You didn't come together, did you?你的妹妹凱特呢?你們不是一起進校的,對不對?

16 . Now, everyone. Listen, please.同學們,請注意聽。

17 . Let me see. Er, I've been here for just over two years.讓我想想。嗯,我到這兒剛好兩年多時間。

18 . It's been open for several years.它建成已有好幾年了。

19 . Do you live near the factory?你住在工廠附近嗎?

20 . How long has Kate been at her school?凱特進校學習有多長時間了?

21 . This factory opened in 1989. We make many kinds of useful things here.這家工廠是在1989年建成的。 我們製造許多有用的東西。

22 . This machine joins the metal pieces together, he said.「這台機器把金屬片焊接起來,」他說

23 . Can you see the machine in that corner?你們能看見那個角落的機器嗎?

24 . No, she's much younger than I am. She only started here this term.對,她年紀比我小得多。她是這個學期才進校學習的。

25 . Jim, how long have you been at this school?吉姆,你到這學校有多麼時間了?

26 . The factory has been there for several years.這家工廠在那兒已有好幾年了。

27 . I've been here for about two years. I've been here since 1993.我到這兒大約有兩年時間了。我自1993年就到這兒學習。


29 . What do the machines do? asked Jim.「這些機器做什麼用?」吉姆問。

30 . Oh, and please keep together. We don't want any of you to get lost!噢,請大家靠攏一些。我們不想丟下任何一位同學!

31 . She's been there for two months. She's been there since September.她進校有兩個月了。她自9月份起便在那兒學習了。

32 . Let's go and take a look at it.讓我們去看看吧!

33 . They cut big pieces of metal into small pieces.它們把大塊的金屬切成小塊。

34 . The workers all wear thick clothes and glassed over their eyes.工人們作都穿著厚厚的衣服並且戴著眼鏡。

35 . OK. Let's go to Number 1 Machine Shop.好吧,讓我們去第一機械車間。

36 . How long has this factory been open?這家工廠建成有多久了?

37 . First, I'd like to tell you a few things about this factory.首先,我想告訴你們有關這家工廠的一些情況。

38 . Not far. My house is about twenty minutes by bike.離的不遠,騎自行車大約20分鐘的路程。

39 . The steps are rather narrow.這些台階相當窄。

40 . He has worked there since it opened in 1989.從1989年這家工廠開辦起,他就在這兒工作。

41 . They're dangerous!它們是很危險的!

42 . I've worked here since 1989.我自1989年以來便在這家工廠工作了。

43 . The glasses keep their eyes safe.眼鏡可以使眼睛不受傷害。

44 . How long have you worked in this factory?你在這家工廠工作有多長時間了?

45 . That's a good question, smiled Uncle Wang.「這個問題提得好,」王大叔笑了。

46 . This is No. 1 Machine Shop. Keep together, please! said Uncle Wang.「這就是第一機械車間。 請大家靠攏點!」王大叔說。

47 . There is a factory near No.14 Middle School.第十四中學附近有一家工廠。

48 . He's been there for over two years. He's been there since two years ago.他到校有兩年多時間了。他兩年前就到那兒學習了。

49 . The students followed Uncle Wang to see the other machine.學生們跟著王大叔去看另一部機器。

50 . Uncle Wang works in the factory.王大叔在這家工廠工作。

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