第 85 部分英語對話,基礎口語 1700 句,英語第 85 部分對白,第 85 部分英文怎麽說



第 85 部分用英語怎麽說

基礎口語 1700 句

第 85 部分

1 . I'm a graduate of Yale University, I have a Bachelor of Science degree.我是耶魯大學的畢業生,我有理學學士學位。

2 . If you attend the formal dancing party, what would you wear?如果你參加隆重的舞會,你會穿什麼衣服?

3 . If you want some shoes, look under the bed.如果你要鞋子,就在床底下。

4 . If you want a paper cup, look inside the drawer.如果你要紙杯,就在抽屜裡面。

5 . If you want to be healthy, you have to stop smoking a pipe.如果你要身體健康的話,必須停止抽煙斗。

6 . If there's anything else I can do, please call on me.如果有任何事情我能效勞的話,請打電話給我。

7 . If you want the trunk, look in the attic.如果你要箱子,就在閣樓上。

8 . If you want to be healthy, you have to stop smoking cigarettes.如果你要身體健康的話,必須停止抽香煙。

9 . I'm a graduate of Yale University, I have a Doctor of philosophy degree.我是耶魯大學的畢業生,我有哲學博士學位。

10 . If you attend the wedding, what would you wear?如果你參加婚禮,你會穿什麼衣服?

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基礎口語 1700 句