1 . They defrauded the bank of $200,000.他們從銀行騙了20萬美元。
2 . They took everything I had.他們拿走了我的一切。
3 . They fleeced me.他們騙了我。
4 . They took every last dime.他們拿走了所有的錢。
5 . The thieves stole all my money.小偷偷了我所有的錢。
6 . They robbed me blind.他們把我搶空了。
7 . They really cleaned me out.他們把我洗劫一空。
8 . I was left with nothing.我一點兒不剩了。
9 . Governments wage a constant war against counterfeiting.政府掀起持久的打假活動。
10 . The scam they were running left many people penniless.他們的這場騙局讓人們分文不剩。