Lesson 67 The weekend
1 . We're going to spend three days in the country.We're going to stay at my mother's for the weekend.我們打算到鄉下去三三,在我母親家度週末。
2 . Yes. I was.是的,我在肉店裡。
3 . He was absent on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Tuesday.How are you all keeping?星期二、星期三和星期四沒去上學。你們身體都好嗎?
4 . I was at the greengrocer's.我在蔬菜水果店裡。
5 . Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the country!Aren't you lucky!星期五、星期六和星期日在鄉下過!你們真幸運啊!
6 . He's very well, thank you.他很好,謝謝您。
7 . How's Jimmy today?吉米今天怎麼樣?
8 . Were you at butcher's, too?您也在肉店裡嗎?
9 . Very well, thank you.很好,謝謝您。
10 . Yes, he was.是的,他沒上學。他星期一、
11 . Hello.Where you at the butcher's?您好。剛才您在肉店裡嗎?
12 . Was he absent from school last week?上星期他沒上學吧?