1 . Is there much of a difference in price?價錢也有很大的分別吧?
2 . We have some cheaper ones.我們有便宜一點的。
3 . Is this going to satisfy your requirements?這種的合你的要求嗎?
4 . Let me see the specifications for that.讓我看看它的規格說明書吧。
5 . Yes, the economy model is about 30% less.是的,經濟型的大約便宜30%。
6 . Actually, it is more than we need.事實上,已超出我們所需要的。
7 . You're asking too much for this part.這零件你們要價太高了。
8 . We'll take that one.我們就買那種。
9 . We can offer you this in different levels of quality.這產品我們有三種不同等級的品質。
10 . We can give you a little cheaper model.我們可以提供你便宜一點的型式。