英語常用口語 1000 句
第 28 部分
1 . Jean is a blue-eyed girl.珍是個藍眼睛的女孩。
2 . I walked across the park.我穿過了公園。
3 . Is the cut still painful?傷口還在痛嗎?
4 . I have the right to know.我有權知道。
5 . I heard some one laughing.我聽見有人在笑。
6 . I suppose you dance much.我想你常常跳舞吧。
7 . I'm not sure I can do it.恐怕這事我幹不了。
8 . I'll just play it by ear.我到時隨機應變。
9 . I'm not used to drinking.我不習慣喝酒。
10 . It's too good to be true!好得難以置信。