1 . I push myself very hard to do well.為了幹得好,我給自己很大壓力。
2 . My parents are expecting to see good grades this semester.我父母希望我這個學期取得好成績。
3 . You had better study hard.你最好努力學習。
4 . If I fail this test I'll kill myself.我這次考試要是通不過,就得自殺了。
5 . I'm paying lots of money for you, so you'd better do well.我為你花了那麼多錢,所以你要好好幹。
6 . I need to be in the top percentage of my class to study abroad.為出國留學,我的成績必須在班裡名列前茅。
7 . If you don't go to college, you'll never get a good job.你要是不上大學,就永遠找不到好工作。
8 . If you fail this test you'll be kicked out of school.你這次考試要是不過就得離校。
9 . My parents expect nothing but high marks.我父母就希望我考高分。
10 . If my GPA isn't high enough I can't play any sports.如果我的平均學分不夠高,我就不能再參加體育活動了。