1 . You can bet your life they'll oppose it.我敢斷定他們會表示反對。
2 . More tax cuts are in the cards.看來會進一步減稅。
3 . This is meant to happen.這件事注定要發生。
4 . There's a possibility that he'll get promoted.她大概會獲得提拔。
5 . It's quite likely that they'll agree to compromise.他們很可能同意妥協。
6 . It looks like she'll be the new manager.好像她將是新一任經理。
7 . It's inevitable that he'll find out about it.他無可避免地會發覺此事。
8 . It's almost certain that they'll get a divorce.他們離婚幾乎已成定局。
9 . There's no doubt about that.此事確定無疑。
10 . No one knows for certain what happened, but it's a fair bet that it was not an accident.沒有人知道究竟發生了什麼,但幾乎可以肯定這並非意外。
11 . Without a doubt, things will get worse.情況無疑會越來越糟。
12 . Chances are ten to one that we'll have a economic recession.我們十有八九會陷入經濟衰退。
13 . There's a slight chance of some snow tomorrow.明天也許會下點雪。
14 . There's always a chance that something may go wrong.出岔子是在所難免的。
15 . Our competitor has a better product. There's no denying it.無可否認,我們的競爭對手擁有更好的產品。
16 . There is not a shadow of a doubt that they did it.毫無疑問,是他們幹的。
17 . She's going to regret it for sure.她肯定會為次後悔。
18 . The odds are she'll decline the invitation.恐怕她會謝絕邀請。
19 . It's find out eventually. It's just a matter of time.他終究會發覺的。 這只是個時間問題。
20 . An economic recession now seems more than likely.現在看來,經濟衰退的可能性相當大。
21 . It's bound to happen sooner or later.這件事遲早要發生。
22 . Downsizing is now a strong possibility.很可能會裁員。
23 . Chances are they'll give in.他們也許會做出讓步。
24 . The world could be heading for an economic recession.世界也許正在走向經濟衰退。